^LOL Ironically there's a fanfic about two fangirls making the Avatar characters sing broadway songs, and Zuko sings Close every Door To Me in that fanfic! In MLB I am absolute trash for the one where either Chat Noir or Ladybug kills Hawkmoth and when they find out what his civilian form is Adrien has a sort of mental breakdown and goes radio silent for a while. ... Fanfic idea just looking at all the “sacrifices” Mako made to keep Bolin safe. ... (Avatar: The Last Airbender rights all go to its respected creators) Add to library 2,350 Discussion 1,418. Sharkflip takes the somewhat common trope within the fandom of Katara being kidnapped and enslaved in the Fire Nation and inverts it, with Zuko being captured and enslaved to Katara. Fire and water… Katara thought. She had heard about Fire Lord Zuko. a collection full of those fics where the GAang finds out about Zuko's past. Roku uses the last of his energy to bend time and destiny, sending his great-grandson into the past to right his wrongs. Banished prince… Surely the Fire Lord wouldn't banish his own son simply for speaking out of turn… I forgot to buy bread. Rating:M. Summary: Zuko and Katara are forced to go on a date together. okay okay look but i wanna see a modern day zukka fic where zuko is a tattoo artist!! Between trying to save the Avatar and keep his sister under control, he … Action Fanfiction Romance Avatar Zuko Love Story ... It's been two years since Zuko's best friend died, but rumors of a spirit matching her description continue to protect the Earth Nation from the Fire Nation. When Zuko is faced with the reality that his best friend-his first love- is doing everything she can to protect the avatar from him, w... A light breeze is blowing the fog away and he can finally see where he's going. When Zuko is faced with the reality that his best friend-his first love- is doing everything she can to protect the avatar from him, w... Adventure Anime/Manga Earth Bender Fire Bender Water Bender Aang ... Language: English Words: At first he tried to capture Avatar Aang, her past lifetime. But it does. Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush go out on their latest date, only to face a stranger judging them for the relationship. slight Naruto crossover Avatar: Last Airbender, T, English, words: 3k+, favs: 84, follows: 96, 8/28/2009 , Zuko 14 Vigilante Justice by Girl with the Dragon Heart AU - the Blue Spirit roams the streets of Ba Sing Se For a split second he wonders if he just watched his student die before his eyes, until the kid lets out an ear-shattering snore that probably alerts every Home Guard force within a hundred miles to their location. Determined to end the war without killing Aang, he has a difficult path ahead, but must also fight his own demons. Zuko's pov. Not wanting the others to see his inner anguish, he picked up his dao swords and went for a walk. He jumped, removing his attention from the girl to the much younger one in front of him. After her parents were murdered for betrayal, she flees to the Southern Water tribe, looking for her mother's family. 167 Mistakes of the Past » by Sayle Thrown into the past by a dying Avatar Spirit, Zuko is suddenly faced with the chance to do things the right way. It's centered around an amnesic Zuko being adopted by Hakoda several years before the start of canon. Bye lol." 264 Fire Rebirth » by Blackbird0 The first feeling Zuko had when he was reborn into the time of the bloodiest war in shinobi history as the heir of a ninja clan was vindication. He doesn’t look back. Pulling back, Zuko tried to speak, “Katara maybe we-“ “Don’t stop.” She kissed him again. Then he turns around and runs swiftly out of the alley, seemingly unfazed as the blood from his cuts starts to run down his arm. Maybe he could catch some unsuspecting creature for dinner and earn some brownie points. Zuko goes and Aang stays, and as the legend goes, Zuko takes a super long time to get back b/c he’s waylaid by pirates or sth., and Aang spends his time in jail reminiscing on happy memories with Zuko. Roku uses the last of his energy to bend time and destiny, sending his great-grandson into the past to right his wrongs. Summary: If Katara was being honest with herself, Zuko seemed drastically different than when he had left her unconscious in the Spirit Oasis just hours ago. Zuko And Katara Avatar Zuko Team Avatar The Last Avatar Avatar The Last Airbender Art Zutara Fanfiction Loving Him Was Red Danny Zuko Prince Zuko Zutara - RED by SetoAngel01 on DeviantArt DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Class 1A Find Out About Bakudeku Past I just want a list of all of the fanfics where Class 1A find out about the past. 6. The two teenagers discuss how things could … Avatar: The Last Airbender's brooding Prince Zuko becomes the Fire Lord at the end of the series, but he lived a long life after that and returned in sequel series The Legend of Korra as an old man (with his own dragon mount). Zuko and Katara were childhood best friends until circumstances tore them apart. Mizu goes on adventures with the Avatar. He always knew he was the universe's favourite punching bag. Inactive: If somebody is Inactive and his fanfic is not done yet, this number will go up. ... Zuko is a troubled boy with a troubled past. Nostalgia Critic: So Cage, again, with no security whatsoever, wakes up from his coma, looks up the doctor, and of course, all the people involved, and forces them to give him the exact same operation. Suspecting Ozai’s intercepting the letters, Ursa lies that Zuko isn’t Ozai’s son at all. Length: 14,280 words. Sign up Log in. After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. Zuko frowned "Nice try. Thrown into the past by a dying Avatar Spirit, Zuko is suddenly faced with the chance to do things the right way. CONCEPT!! But when Agni, Dragon of the Sun, gives Zuko a mission, he has a new purpose in life besides pretending to … Chit Sang's smile faded. “It’ll be fun!” Aang said brightly as Sokka leaned over the edge of the saddle as they flew away. The past is back to haunt-and mock-him. Between trying to save the Avatar and keep his sister under control, he … Aang. Veja o que Becky no Hara (Beckynohara) descobriu no Pinterest, a maior coleção de ideias do mundo. Zuko thinks there’s a note of sarcasm in his Uncle’s tone, but he doesn’t doubt the truth of the words. Recs Wanted. The first arc, described by the author as his 'Book One: Water', focuses on Zuko's life growing up as the odd one out in the Water Tribe. Mia has lived for 3 years in the Fire Nation, as Zuko's friend. However, on the way, Azula hallucinates an image of Ursa and, claiming she had evidence from Ozai that'd let her overthrow Zuko, is restrained by Katara. She runs away to the Southern Water Tribe, and stays there. The first chapter is basically the same as the show until the end. The Masks We Wear is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic by NiceThorn. Zuko: I want you to tell me what happened to your mother. Or, Sokka and Zuko are soulmates, so when the Gaang fails in their respective missions during the comet, the universe sends them back in time to try again. That Zuko is a memory, a fantasy built upon those brief flashes of tenderness he showed her, before the wounded beast decided she couldn't be useful, cut her chains and cast her back into the ocean. We’ll be at Kyoshi island in a few weeks! A younger girl with pigtails missed the ball thrown at her, and it whizzed past her head, knocking into Zuko's barrel. AU Zuko-is-Itachi. It's way too slow for me. It's been two years since Zuko's best friend died, but rumors of a spirit matching her description continue to protect the Earth Nation from the Fire Nation. [...] Their relationship started off ... a … Browse through and read zuko x reader fanfiction stories and books. 1 Canon 1.1 Book 1 1.2 Book 3 2 Moments 2.1 Book 1 2.2 Book 2 2.3 Book 3 3 Quotes 4 Fanon 5 Fandom 6 Lists 7 Variations 8 Gallery 9 Navigation THE AVATAR RETURNS Upon the arrival of the fire nation ship, Sokka stands on the wall surrounding the Water Tribe village. Title: Untitled (Zuko Timetravel) Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Summary: He doesn’t know why, but he has a chance to rewrite history, and so he will. "I know you need to end this war," he said to Aang, his voice warped with an incomprehensible resolve that sent shivers down her spine. Haven’t brainstormed in any detail what these entail. It makes me happy. Determined to end the war without killing Aang, he has a difficult path ahead, but must also fight his own demons. or. “We’re just borrowing Zuko for a bit! Just before the Agni Kai, Mia reveals her skills of Fire, Water and Earth bending to Zuko after he insulted her. I also love Zuko and Sokka being bros together. Despite Ozai’s interference, Ursa keeps trying to reach home. The Date Clause by Like A Dove. I couldn't make the arrow leave properly at my first." Zuko helps clean her up, and things get spicy in the bathroom☺️ lots of smut #anotherrandomtag #katara #kataraxzuko #lol #zuko #zutara Zuko … The higher it … Gifted with the guise of a child, Zuko sees the Fire Nation court with adult eyes, and realizes that there were more machinations than he ever dreamed of. shameless, fluffy smut. Zuko tenses as Aang’s body suddenly stiffens and then goes limp, slowly slumping to the ground. She never thought she would get a chance to meet him in person. And Mai/Zuko arranged marriage fics. "But there was a cost for his outspokenness." Read Flames from the Past #1 from the story LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC) by PotterCat (Begüm) with 20,164 reads. 40 Zuko: The Traitor's Story by Thomson When the Gaang goes to see the Ember Island Players, Zuko faces an unpleasant suprise: The play includes the story of his burning and banishment, still unknown to the others. Some of Aang's powers have copied over to Ozai and the Fire Nation is in threat of being over taken. She felt Zuko’s hair against her fingers and dug into it, smiling in her mind as she did so. Summary: When the Gaang goes to see the Ember Island Players, Zuko faces an unpleasant surprise: The play includes the story of his burning and banishment, still unknown to the others. It doesn’t matter how hot he is, he’s blasting All Star and is wearing CROCS. Mizu is a water bender like Katara. XD XD Anyway, yeah, anotheer scenario I had was Zuko letting the sages take him away, he gets into his cell, starts crying, then crumples to the floor, then screams. "I'm better with daggers, that's for sure." his scar. This fic was inspired by a ficlet that was born from my prompts for Zutara Month 2021. After the old Fire Lord is defeated, Hakoda goes to the Fire Nation Capital to see the coronation of the new one.
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