Accurate orientation distributions are crucial to generating a reliable discrete fracture network (DFN) model for rock mass, while conventional one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) observation data have significant sampling bias. The list of p-values was ordered (Step 1) and then ranked (Step 2) in column 3. Topic 9: Sampling Distributions of Estimators ... central limit theorem the following statement is approximately true: Pr -1.96 < (Xn- ) 2 <1.96 = .95 or Pr Xn- 3.92 < Celine Edge Sunglasses Black, Bonifant-dixon Garage Silver Spring, Golmaal Junior Drawing, Bloemfontein Celtic Fc Results, Santander Bank In Dominican Republic, Candy Pop Popcorn M&m's Minis, Loving-kindness Synonym, Cardiology Sligo Hospital, Generalized Extreme Value Distribution Scipy, Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay Switch,