However, most of the articles are long and have a lot of work. WATER RESEARCH Metrics. Submission Checklist. Internationa Journal of Water Resources Development (INT J WATER RESOUR D), Indexed by Journal Citation Report (JCR) with an impact factor:1.463 (Q2-Water Resources). Water Resources is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Water Science and Technology (Q3). The Water Resources Research Act Program, authorized by section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, is a Federal-State partnership which: Plans, facilitates, and conducts research to aid in the resolution of State and regional water problems. SCImago, Eigenfactor score and H5 index journal rank indicator: Alternatives to the journal impact factor for water resources journals S Ahmad, M Sohail, IM Abdel-Magid LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 27 (2 … , … Farrah Adnan: Abstract: Background and Objective: Water Resource is a critical requirement of human existence for all social and economic endeavors. Read more →. Description. The groups current research in river water quality modelling includes development and application river water quality indices. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. 7. Challenges of Water Governance in the Philippines . We are pleased to inform that Water received an updated Journal Impact Factor of 2.069 in the June 2018 release of the Journal Citation Reports®. Water Resources is a journal that publishes articles on the assessment of water resources, integrated water resource use, water quality, and environmental protection. Journal of Water and Land Development - is a peer reviewed research journal published in English. 2. Address. Volume 57, Issue 5. Hydrology: Current research always looks forward to publish the high quality research papers among the scientific community. Most Cited Water Research Articles. Scope. And among the journal’s list on hydrology and current research emphasizes the study on hydrological cycle, physics, chemistry of water, and water resources also. The Journal of Water Process Engineering aims to be the premier international forum for the publication of world leading, high impact research on the sustainable engineering of water and wastewater treatment processes. From 2013, the journal is published quarterly in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Address. Water now ranks 34/90 (Q2) in the category 'Water Resources. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. In response, we … Water Resources Research publishes original research articles and commentaries on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water and that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of … Submit your article Opens in new window Information and templates for authors Search this journal. The journal's 5-Year Impact Factor is 2.250. We therefore particularly encourage contributions focussed at … Water Resources is a journal that publishes articles on the assessment of water resources, integrated water resource use, water quality, and environmental protection. Page . infections in livestock and wild animals in Azerbaijan territory. Single-blind peer review is the traditional model of peer review that many reviewers are comfortable with, and it … Water Resources Research. Year. 107. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Water and Wastewater The Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) is dedicated to publishing original papers characterized by its broad multidisciplinary approach to water resources issues. Journal of Industrial Ecology. The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (JSWC) is a multidisciplinary journal of natural resource conservation research, practice, policy, and perspectives.The journal has two sections: the A Section containing various departments and features, and the Research Section containing peer-reviewed research papers. Environmental Sciences Europe. Water Resources Research publishes original research articles and commentaries on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system. Ground-breaking results like never before are being achieved by authors, editors and societies in a remarkable response to the challenge of publishing during a pandemic. Published online: 02 Oct 2019. The journal publishes high quality research … Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research about fundamental science, innovative technologies, and management practices that promote sustainable water.. JournalsIndexed aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of indexed open access scientific and scholarly journals. It reports on attempts to achieve environmental and social objectives in such areas as fish and wildlife management, water-based recreation, as well as wild and scenic river use. 98. Water, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal. … WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Metrics. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. About Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. Water is considered here as an exogenous variable impacting on land price, which is estimated for the Guadalquivir River Basin (Southern Spain). Potential topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Journal of the American Water Resources Association The Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal, featuring original papers that examine the multidisciplinary and complex issues surrounding water resources. Scope. Advances in Water Resources provides a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding of water resources systems. Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewater (JARWW) publishes peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of the technology of water and wastewater.. Papers are selected by a rigorous peer review procedure with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, development and application of new … SCImago Journal Rank ... laying the basis for sustainable use and management of water resources. Journal of Water and Land Development. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. European Journal of Medical Research publishes translational and clinical research of international interest across all medical disciplines, enabling clinicians and other researchers to learn about developments and innovations within these disciplines and across the boundaries between disciplines. Hosting more than 30 international journals in a wide range of academic fields with , including social sciences, natural sciences, biological and medical sciences, education, economics, and management, our Hosting System integrate the editorial process to worldwide academic users. It is a multidisciplinary journal focused on global human health consequences of exposure to water pollution in natural and engineered environments. Satellite Imagery System in Water Resources Management: Impacts from the Land Use and Land Cover Change: Carolyn Payus, Lim Ann Huey and F.A. We are committed to … ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Lentic and effluent water of Delhi-NCR: a reservoir of multidrug-resistant bacteria harbouring bla CTX-M, bla TEM and bla SHV type ESBL genes. PDF (646KB) American Journal of Water Science and Engineering (AJWSE) is a peer-reviewed, international, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles dealing with all aspects of research on water science and engineering. 1607. … This research proposes a «quasi-hedonic» approach as a simple way for estimating the value of irrigation water. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. The overall rank of Water Resources and Industry is 3100. Promotes technology transfer and the dissemination and application of research results. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of … Marine and Freshwater Research is a multidisciplinary journal publishing original research and reviews on all aquatic environments and subject areas. The overall rank of Water Resources is 14398. Number of articles published per year between 1991 and 2019 in six major hydrol-ogy journals (Source: Web of Science, Scimago Journal and Country Rank) 72 reviewing cloud computing literature (Upreti, Asatiani, & Malo, 2016), literature review The “Ecological Value” (EV) term has been spread in the literature since 1860; however, there is no consensus on its definition and the criteria for i… SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.099 ℹ SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2020: 3.099 SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. Journal of Water and Land Development - is a peer reviewed research journal published in English indexed in Elsevier - SCOPUS data base. Online ISSN: 1944-7973 Water Resources Research publishes original research articles and commentaries on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system. Groundwater is the leading international journal focused exclusively on groundwater. 1 College of Public Affairs and Development, University of the Philippines Los Baños and National Academy of Science and Technology, College, Los Baños,Laguna, 4031, Philippines 2 College of Forestry and Natural Resources… Pages: 658-675. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. Find issues by year (2015 - Present) 2021 - vol. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. International Journal of Environmental Research publishes original research papers, research … The Global Strategy identified a projected shortfall of 18 million health workers by 2030, primarily in low- and middle-income countries. As the second largest open access public health journal in the world, BMC Public Health is a peer reviewed journal with a … SJR. The occurrence of high … It is published by Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources. Journal has been published continually since 1998. ... Hydrology and water resources, climate impact studies, integrated urban water management, river water quality, and water asset management. Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. SJR. Expanding from 4 to 6 issues in 2020. 2020 - vol. Microbial faecal pollution of river water in a watershed of tropical Ethiopian highlands is driven by … The scope of SER includes issues of environmental science, technology, management and related fields, especially in response to sustainable water, energy and other natural resources. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. Editorial Board. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 1.255. 2.321 Q1. The research everyone is reading: Showcasing Science. Journal of Contemporary Water Research … The Water and Environment Journal is an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of innovations and solutions focused on enhancing water management best practice.The journal provides a conduit between academics and practitioners. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and relevant forum that unites the diverse communities and disciplines conducting water research relevant to engineered systems and … Journal & Magazine Hosting. ... (SCIMago ranking). ChileanJAR publishes original Research Articles, Scientific Notes and Reviews of agriculture, multidisciplinary and agronomy: plant production, plant protection, genetic resources and biotechnology, water management, soil sciences, environment, agricultural economics, and animal production (focused in ruminant … Water Resources Research publishes original research articles and commentaries on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water and that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system. Water Research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of the anthropogenic water cycle, water quality, and its management worldwide. Water Research has an open access mirror journal Water Research X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. manuscript submitted to Water Resources Research Figure 1. ... RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. LATEST ISSUE >. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes: -Treatment processes for water and wastewaters, municipal, agricultural and industrial, including residuals management. AGU Advances is a cross-disciplinary, gold open access journal publishing full length, high-impact research articles across all of the Earth and space sciences. '. Number of articles published per year between 1991 and 2019 in six major hydrol-ogy journals (Source: Web of Science, Scimago Journal and Country Rank) 72 reviewing cloud computing literature (Upreti, Asatiani, & Malo, 2016), literature review The scope of SER includes issues of environmental science, technology, management and related fields, especially in response to sustainable water, energy and other natural resources. From 2013, the journal is published quarterly in the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.314 ℹ SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2020: 1.314 SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. Includes assessment strategies for exploration, evaluation, risk. Christophersen, Nils, and Hooper, Richard, 1992, Multivariate analysis of stream water chemical data: The use of principal components analysis for the end-member mixing problem: Water Resources Research, v. 28, no. Hydrology journals accept different types of papers for publication. Water is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on water science and technology, including the ecology and management of water resources, and is published semimonthly online by MDPI.Water collaborates with the International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM) and Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).In addition, the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH), and The … With Open Access, Science Publishing Group allows us to distribute knowledge more widely and at a lower cost than was previously possible. Instructions for Authors. Evaluation of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant upgraded with ozonation and biological post-treatments: Abatement of micropollutants, formation of … Water and Wastewater. BMC Medical Genomics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of functional genetics and genomics, genome structure, genome-scale population genetics, epigenetics and epigenomics, proteomics, systems analysis, and pharmacogenomics in relation to human health … May 2021. Online ISSN: 2576-604X. Water Resources and Industry is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1). International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources is online, peer reviewed journal devoted to publish original research, review papers, short communications and opinions on all aspects of environmental sciences. (3years) Total Refs. Journal has been published continually since 1998. FROM SCImago Institution Rankings SCImago 2014 Journal Rankings for Subject Category: Water Science and Technology. The journal covers many areas of research, including prediction of variations in continental water resources and regime; hydrophysical, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and hydrobiological processes, environmental aspects of water quality and protection; economic, social, and legal aspects of water-resource … This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Papers often cover the topics of recent AWRA conferences such as riparian ecology, geographic information systems, adaptive management, and water policy. Journal information. Since 1963, it has published a dynamic mix of papers on topics including groundwater flow and well hydraulics, hydrogeochemistry and contaminant hydrogeology, application of geophysics, groundwater management and policy, and history of groundwater … Water Resources Management is supported scientifically by the European Water Resources Association, a scientific and technical nonprofit-making European association. Impact factor: 4.31. Shortcuts. 140. However, to cover the editorial services and production of an … Water Resources Research (WRR) is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on hydrology and water resources. Ing. Papers often cover the topics of recent AWRA conferences such as riparian ecology, geographic information systems, adaptive management, and water … Markéta Knížková Executive Editor phone: + 420 227 010 373 e-mail: Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. Governing international regime complexes through multi-level governance mechanisms: lessons from water, forestry and migration policy. Water now ranks 34/90 (Q2) in the category 'Water Resources. From 2014 is the quarterly journal devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the following subjects: development of water resources … FROM SCImago Institution Rankings Data Categories Provided Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. In May 2 016 the “Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030” (the “Global Strategy”) was adopted by the 69th World Health Assembly. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.314. The requirements for innovation are lower than Water Research. SJR stands for SCImago Journal Rank, and was developed by the SCImago Research Group. Editor-in-Chief: Max Finlayson. It publishes original research in the natural and social sciences of water. Soil and Groundwater Pollution. It is published by Pleiades Publishing. 26 June 20182017 Impact Factor Released for Water: 2.069. The scope of Water encompasses the following research areas: -Water resources management: water resources systems; monitoring, remediation and protection of water resources; water resources planning; adaptive management; water demand management; national and international water policy; water economics. 2.721 . Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of renewable and sustainable energy relevant to the physical science communities, including resource assessment, analysis, and … … Innovation for Sustainable Water. The journal's 5-Year Impact Factor is 2.250. A peer-reviewed journal that examines the administrative, economic, environmental, and social concerns relating to the use and conservation of water. It emphasizes the role of water in the Earth system, including physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes in water resources research and management, including social, policy, and public health implications. Markéta Knížková Executive Editor phone: + 420 227 010 373 e-mail: It is published by Elsevier BV. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.436. Read more about the journal More. Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of knowledge of the various ideas, products, technologies, discussions of policy and regulatory issues that affect renewable energy technologies and their implementation.The journal serves as a forum for specialists from both academic institutions, research …
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