You know, the one who simply sucks the positive … Wanna One - Wannables. Top 10 Toxic Fanbases. Notify me about new: Guides. People who don’t even know the language find the K-pop music more fascinating. But, how are BLINKs toxic? Weibo is China’s most popular social media site and is also a potential market for Kpop idols to develop their entertainment activities. Solo stans going against group fans, and so many other stuff. Taimur Rahman. people keep saying armys are the most toxic fandom while ignoring all the far worse things that other fandoms have done and keep doing. Not every single ARMY is toxic, but as a whole, they are disliked in the kpop community more than any other fandom. I rage quitted this section of the internet after the Only13 BS. It is surprising the number of fans K-pop has given the countries small size and the fact that not many speak Korean. I feel like there has been a change in dynamics of the… One is the surface, where you are allowed to have … Personally, i think it is the kpop fandom . That's the fandom for BTS. Did you find it hard a Kpop fandom? ... Kpop fans forget that most people don’t jam to Kpop, and that’s ok! 1 Etymology 1.1 Fanclub 2 Concept 3 Members 4 Past Members 5 Discography 6 Awards 7 Chart Shows Wins 8 Social Media 9 Gallery 10 … It doesnt matter if it is minecraft or pixel craft 3d. Anything Kpop. Check out both parts of this thread here. ... Kpop fans forget that most people don’t jam to Kpop, and that’s ok! The Most Toxic Zodiac Signs Ranked. Please remember that this is my opinion, you can feel free to disagree on it. Also I might have written more than a sentence for every fandom I kno... Meet Youngest Kpop Idols 16 11 Years Old Youtube Youngest Kpop Idol Kpop Idol Kpop . EXO - EXOTIC. i get that all fandoms are toxic in their own way but why is BLINKs the MOST? This is the case when it comes to K-pop fans. They understand Blackpink very well. There are even toxic people within humanity. Anti-Fans/ Haters. As someone who loves K-Pop, I’m going to try to be unbiased and honest. Yes, there are toxic K-Pop fans in every fandom, especially the big popular... Share via … no chen and they’re f*cked. That's the fandom for BTS. They can't even take criticism. once my cousin told me how toxic lol players are and tbh they seem really toxic. Not even BTS but BLACKPINK is said to have the most toxic fandom. The superhero Oliver Queen and the genius Felicity Smoak form one of the first and most popular pairings. 2. unpleasant, harmful, extremely bad. Korean people are widely known for their beauty but most people assume that their beauty comes from the touch of a knife on their faces. While a vast majority of the best Kpop fandoms are composed of legit fans, there is a very small minority within fandoms that are toxic fans that give fandoms a bad name. Part 1. No hate on the Voltron or BnHA fandom or anything, but thanks to the Haikyuu fandom for being the most relaxing, precious, peaceful place in Tumblr. NINTENDRONES. VIP are not Toxic at all, because I never heard of any issue with that fandom with … Why ARMY's are the worst fandom in Kpop – A thread. Remember this is only to the toxic and ignorant armys that are doing this to the dunkins. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Why I â ¦ She trained for 6 years. That time when BTS donated 1M to pro blm movements and then the army followed up with #matchamillion- they raised more than 1 … So I decided to make a top 5 best and worst fandoms How I measured best fandoms: chilled levels, ability to take criticism and jokes, friendliness, humbleness, sense of criticism and judgment, kindness. The amount of devotion that these fans have is staggering. YOUTUBER FANBASE. Most of them are really sweet like most of you guys. NOSTALGIA FANS. For me, some of the most toxic fandom are Army and I know there's alot of kpop group who has toxic fans, i'm not saying all of them but for those army's who create a hate for nothing serious.This morning I get a notification of Army's who are attacking niall (1D member) who answered a fans question saying if he had listen to Dynamite on twitter but niall said he didn't. Joe Rogan: Rogan fans are the worst kind of men: toxic, childish conspiracy theorists, incels, and the like. From misogyny and racism to calls for violence and public doxxing, these out-of-control fan bases are some of the worst one's active today. STFU KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY WITH EVERYONE. anyways yeah blinks most toxic fandom ever and that's why I left and I can't even support them anymore because y'all ugly bums call me a fake fan... Blinks are annoying. Some ARMYblinks go too far and start shipping the idols together. On average, a devoted ARMY spends an average of $1422 USD for the … Ultimate Nintendo Switch. who is the toxic kpop fandom in the world. No one is toxic. It’s just the way people judge them in a wrong way. Every kpop idols try their best for their fans and always want them to be happ... From misogyny and racism to calls for violence and public doxxing, these out-of-control fan bases are some of the worst one's active today. There are barely any sasaengs. Anger grows at culture of exploitation and failure of agencies to protect performers. Anghus Houvouras on toxic fans and the media… One of the things that keeps the fires burning in my brain is the concept of toxic fandom. probably because toxic army's are 1/1000 and since the fandom is literally 30+ million that's going to be a lot of toxic fans...every fandom has their toxic fans but the good army's outweigh the bad army's but people like to only look at the bad perspective. Did find some kpop kpop fandom toxic ? I just wanted to see your thoughts on the most toxic community. Check out both parts of this thread here. — Kaitlyn (@herforbts) August 26, 2017. This couple became so popular that writers decided to make it canon in Seasons 3 and 4, although briefly. Some Kpop fans have adopted “toxic” practices where they not only support their idols but also attack and demean those they dislike. EXO - L. Orbit - LOONA. I'm not an army, but ik that they are one of the most toxic kpop fandoms out there. Twice - Once. Link to post This complex stew of expectations can sometimes turn toxic, and the K-pop world is currently being rocked by an ongoing scandal surrounding some … EXO - L. Orbit - LOONA. Top 10 Toxic Fanbases. who is the toxic kpop fandom in the world. Why ARMY's are the worst fandom in Kpop – A thread. Not even BTS but BLACKPINK is said to have the most toxic fandom. SONIC FANS. Usually, toxic fandom involves not just obsessiveness, but becoming a danger to others in some way, or just really mean and intolerant toward people the toxic fans disagree with. But I have seen some weird toxic people in every fandom. Ok, this isn’t the same for all fans, but for me, yes, a lot of it is. My mental health definitely deteriorated after getting deep into the fandom,... ANTI FANS. — Kaitlyn (@herforbts) August 26, 2017. The research matters because there is still a lot of research being done on fandom cultures and the Kpop fandom is one of the most interesting fandom phenomena within the last 20 years. So all the groups I have mentioned, I'm a part of all of them. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ (Except blink) 1. BLINK (BlackPink fandom) 2. ARMY (BTS fandom) 3. EXOL (EXO f... Of course, you can try to look for some toxic behavior patterns, but it’s so much easier to take a peek in the horoscope and see what it says about people with a bad mindset whose only aim is to spread negativity everywhere they go.. Opinion 57: Most female rappers in kpop sound similar ... Opinion 18: Blinks are the most toxic fandom 1.5K 35 289. by StraySquirrel_ by StraySquirrel_ Follow. The poll on Weibo gave the results of the three most popular Kpop boy group in China. Everything that has fans, has toxic fans. Unlike ARMYs, there are SOOOOO many sasaengs. Top 10 Toxic Fanbases. For me, some of the most toxic fandom are Army and I know there's alot of kpop group who has toxic fans, i'm not saying all of them but for those army's who create a hate for nothing serious.This morning I get a notification of Army's who are attacking niall (1D member) who answered a fans question saying if he had listen to Dynamite on twitter but niall said he didn't. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. I've come across so many different types of people as a kpop fan in only close to two years, but the toxic ones are the ones I've personally seen t... The quartet-girl group is also one of the richest K-pop groups as of 2020. Why are so many K-pop stans toxic? They don’t actually realize their toxic. They think overshadowing other groups may bring more light onto their f... I don’t know, maybe exols were very toxic back in the days, but rn? The blocking option is meant to protect yourself: use it. Taimur Rahman. Perhaps even more so than most of their stateside counterparts, K-pop fandoms are an integral and massively powerful ingredient to any given K-pop group's success. We know this. The Taurus GX4 comes in a 10-round magazine version for those consumers in capacity-restricted states. one of their lead dancers (sehun) is one of the most awkward dancers i’ve ever seen in kpop. Fan wars are common in K-Pop award shows, most often involving situations where one fandom verbally attacks the other with toxic remarks. i don’t know too much though because i don’t play lol anymore but i also don’t get tooo involved with the kpop fandom. They don't know how organized, how faithful and loyal we are to our boys. Well, this may not be an unpopular opinion cuz we all know they are annoying and toxic, they always insult other groups because they are not on the same 'level' as bts, and if we try to defend our groups they label us as 'toxic', Bighit needs to do something abt them, instead of naming their album 'love yourself' they should of named it to 'love everyone'. SUJU - ELF. who is the toxic kpop fandom in the world. ARMY (BTS Fandom): BTS has a huge fandom and tons of toxic fans which is unavoidable. How can the kpop fandom have such a toxic mentality? If you’re familiar with the kpop fandom, you probably already know that the kpop stans who’ve...
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