centres on sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) and agroecological intensification (AEI) pathways to agricultural sustainability. Source: University of East Anglia. Drainage benefits crop production, but also promotes nutrient losses to water resources. Agricultural intensification not a 'blueprint' for sustainable development. Leadership, organization, and history. Farmers must produce more from the same area of land and use fewer inputs while producing greater yields. Ndiritu, Simon. However, it is not an all-encompassing paradigm designed to address all aspects of the food system. Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems, Annals of Botany . Metadata Show full item record. In practice, difficult choices involving trade-offs between agricultural development and environmental protection have characterized most efforts at sustainable intensification. The goal of sustainable intensification is to make better use of human and natural resources such as land, water, biodiversity, knowledge, and technology (Pretty 2018). John Wiley & Sons, Apr 27, 2021 - Science - 464 pages. Manuresheds: Redesigning crop-livestock agriculture for sustainable intensification . Through interactive discussions, presentations, and field trips, the Third International Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (SAIN) Conference will provide a platform for researchers, students, and professionals to learn about and discuss sustainable agricultural intensification and nutrition and why it is essential to food security, especially for the poor. A common denominator for these recommendations for sustainable intensification is their divergence from the kind of agricultural strat-egy that has prevailed over the past 50 years. Edit locations. Submitted by Layne Wilson. It will examine a number of aspects of intensification using experiences of areas that have undergone agricultural intensification, with … Agricultural productivity is a major driver of well-being (Irz et al 2001) such that sustainable agricultural intensification provides essential opportunities for reducing farming systems' vulnerability (Pretty et al 2011). Following years of dedication to the agriculture community and numerous contributions to research and development, university distinguished professor and director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification at Kansas State University, P.V. Sustainable Agricultural Intensification seeks, by definition, to achieve more food produced from the same land, reducing negative environmental impacts and providing positive societal, economic and environmental benefits. Though sustainable agricultural intensification practices have been shown to improve the resilience of farm production in the face of these emerging threats, they suffer low adoption rates typical of any technology adoption in these regions. The ambition for sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) is highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals; SDG 15, Life on Land, which aims to sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and review land degradation and halt biodiversity loss; and SDG2 Zero hunger which seeks to ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices … 3 University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK. Abstract. Sustainable intensification is moving towards agricultural systems that actively contribute to higher food, feed, fiber, and fuel production, and simultaneously help to protect biodiversity, improve soil health and fertility, clean and regulate water … A multitude of pathways towards sustainable Although SI is generally accepted as an ultimate goal of agricultural intensification efforts — as conceptually depicted with the top right circle in Figure 3a– there Explore an in-depth and insightful collection of resources discussing various aspects of root structure and function in intensive agricultural systems. Sustainable intensification can be implemented via an astonishing array of practical applications. The term "sustainable intensification" originated in the 1990s in the context of achieving improved yields over the long term in fragile environments in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification A reference guide to improve general understanding of the best management practices for the use of water and fertilizers throughout the world to enhance crop production, improve farm profitability and resource efficiency, and reduce environmental impacts related to crop production. The Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN) in Cambodia was established by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification (SIIL) at Kansas … The practical details of how to ensure sustainable agricultural intensification are opaque, however, and discourses around sustainable intensification have been criticized as green washing by activist groups for instance (Tittonell 2014). Nutrient recycling is fundamental to sustainable agricultural systems, but few mechanisms exist to ensure that surplus manure nutrients from animal feeding operations are transported for use on nutrient-deficient croplands. Find out more ». New research suggests that the … Sustainable Agricultural Intensification. Sustainable Intensification (SI) has recently emerged as a key concept for agricultural development, recognising that yields must increase to feed a growing world population, but it must be achieved without damage to the environment, on finite land resources and while preserving social and natural capital. This in turn results in habitat loss, land degradation and increased carbon emissions. About the Commission on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (CoSAI) CoSAI brings together agricultural and food systems experts and decision-makers from the Global South and is collaborating with scientists, innovators and partner organizations from across the globe. The Root Systems in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification delivers a comprehensive treatment of state-of-the-art concepts in the theoretical and practical aspects of agricultural management to enhance root system architecture and function. The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI) is bringing together eminent Global South scientists, policymakers, farming experts and others to tackle challenging questions, collect evidence, and recommend priority areas and approaches to meet these global challenges. But the intended redirection of thinking and practice is broadly shared. PR/24/2020. Date: June 14, 2018. demand for Sustainable Intensification • Greater emphasis on ensuring that inputs and credit are accessible and that rights to land and water are secure for African smallholder farmers • Building on and sharing the expertise of African smallholder farmers in the practice of Sustainable Intensification. Redesign of agricultural systems is essential to deliver optimum outcomes as ecological and economic conditions change. Sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) is defined as producing more output from the same area without adversely affecting the quality of land / soil and other environmental services, viz., water, By the year 2018; it was predicted in 100 nations a combined total of 163 million farms used sustainable intensification. Along with these, the SIIL will continue to support the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN), housed at the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia. Sustainable intensification (SI): is a recently developed concept that is understood in different ways by its critics and supporters. Therefore, Intensification of agriculture should also give emphasis to already existing AF practices and systems. Growing Sustainable Tea on Kenyan Smallholder Farms 8. A number of influential policy circles have championed the concept of sustainable intensification (SI) as a technology to meet the challenge of a growing population. References. The combination of agricultural processes in which production is maintained or increased, while environmental outcomes are enhanced, is currently known as sustainable intensification (SI). Commission on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (CoSAI) CoSAI brings together agricultural and food systems experts and decision-makers from the Global South and is collaborating with scientists, innovators and partner organizations from across the globe. production purposes) 7. Who We Are. 4,5,6 Sustainable agriculture: one of many priorities The concept of SAI has been almost universally adopted as a desirable pathway toward more productive, resilient and sustainable agricultural systems, 7 as has Ecological intensification involves using natural resources such as land, water, soil nutrients, and other biotic and abiotic variables in a sustainable way to achieve high performance and efficiency in agricultural yield with minimal damage to the agroecosystems. Baldock G (2019) Nitrogen and soil organic matter decline- what is needed to fix it? The first article presents a qualitative analysis of SAI and farmer surveys in the embanked polder region of coastal Bangladesh. (2011). Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems. Development Projects : Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project - P164520 Toggle navigation. The primary purpose of the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework is to strengthen researchers’ ability to holistically assess the performance of an innovation in terms of the direct and indirect consequences within and across domains. In order to increase adoption of sustainable agriculture, the recommendations given by such services must be adapted to local conditions and be provided in a timely manner. sustainable intensification can be a useful framework for addressing one critical aspect of the global food system in the 21st century, namely agricultural production (Figure 1). Credit: CC0 Public Domain. The concept has been seen as key to achieving food security in Africa – but in practice smallholders face numerous challenges in adopting this approach. Food security and climate change are two pressing issues shaping the future of tropical land use. Author. The Sustainable Agricultural Intensification for Improved Livelihoods, Food Security, and Nutrition Project (SAIP) consolidates and expands the results of the Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting, and Hillside Irrigation Project (LWH) and other projects focused on the sustainability and self-reliance of farmers’ organizations, cooperatives, and rural institutions providing services to farmers, who are the main … 1 Sustainable intensification of agricultural drainage Michael J. Castellano1,2*, Sotirios V. Archontoulis1, Matthew J. Helmers3, Hanna J. Poffenbarger4, Johan Six2. Sustainable intensification is a process designed to achieve higher agricultural yields whilst simultaneously reducing the negative impact of farming on the environment. The solution, Sir Gordon said, is agricultural intensification, a set of practices that allow farmers to produce more food with existing land and water. 2 World Society for the Protection of Animals, London WC1 X8HB, UK. Brazil, home to abundant land that is rich in carbon, water, … (2015). Soyabeans and Sustainable Agriculture in Southern Africa 7. Development Projects : Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project - P164520. Together, these requirements represent a considerable challenge, especially in saline regions where the high soil sodium (Na +) content limits crop growth.An integrated soil and crop management system (ISCM) may be more successful than … Therefore, Intensification of agriculture should also give emphasis to already existing AF practices and systems. Sustainable intensification (SI) focuses on improving the efficient use of resources for agriculture, with the goal of producing more food on the same amount of land but with reduced negative environmental or social impacts. 2011). In the period 2010–2012, 12.5% of the current world’s approximate 7.6 billion population Frontiers in Ecology and 445 the Environment, 14(4), 209-216 12 446 16. This emerging issue was discussed during the Food Security Main event at the Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, held alongside the recent Rio+20 conference.
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