About one-fourth of the nation's population is considered impoverished. Latest projections of the growth of religious populations in Sri Lanka. Sinhalese 74.9%, Sri Lankan Tamil 11.2%, Sri Lankan Moors 9.2%, Indian Tamil 4.2%, other 0.5% (2012 est.) Sri Lanka is majority Buddhist, with Muslims making up about 9% of the population and Christians about 7%. In 1930, India banned emigration of unskilled personnel into Sri Lanka and thus reduced their population increase. Gampaha. A 2001 government census (PDF) says Sri Lanka’s main ethnic populations are the Sinhalese (82 percent), Tamil (9.4 percent), and Sri Lanka Moor … Regardless, Sri Lanka has the highest reported youth literacy rate in South Asia at 98.77 percent, as compared to 89.66 percent in India, and 83.2 percent in Bangladesh. Countries in the world by population (2021) This list includes both countries and dependent territories.Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates. Religion Click on the name of the country or dependency for current estimates (live population clock), historical data, and … The arrests, soon after the government adopted a Covid-19 funeral policy biased against Muslims, raise concerns about the safety of Sri Lanka’s Muslim minority. Islam is the dominant religion in several countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Western Sahara, Iran, and more. Sri Lanka is a country of 22 million residents, two national languages (i.e. On June 9, 2020, Sri Lankans occupied the streets outside the US Embassy in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, holding signs condemning the racism, police brutality, and other maladies plaguing the United States. The country has seen a declining population growth in recent years. All Religions 8,097.9 10,582.0 12,690.0 14,846.7 16,929.7 20,359.4 Buddhist 5,209.4 7,003.3 8,536.9 10,288.3 12,986.6 14,272.1 Hindu 1,610.5 1,958.4 2,238.7 2,297.8 1,312.9 2,561.3 3. AREA POPULATION SRI LANKA RELIGION z Buddhists: 68,4% z Hindus: 13,2% z Christians: 9,1% z Muslim: 8,6% z Others: 0,7% SRI LANKA 65.610km² 20.811.000 Legal framework on freedom of religion and actual application Although peace has returned to Sri Lanka after decades of … That is one in every six people! 103,000 Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (legislative capital) (2018), 613,000 COLOMBO (capital) (2020) United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Sri Lanka Sanitation coverage in Sri Lanka is 92%—the best in South Asia. Buddhism is the official religion with 70.2 percent of the population, followed by Hinduism at 12.6 percent, Islam at 9.7, Roman Catholic at 6.1, Christianity at 1.3, and other at .05. Sinhala, Tamil), and four major religions (i.e. country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 57 [see also: Population country ranks] Nationality: noun: Sri Lankan(s) adjective: Sri Lankan Population growth was 0.76 percent in 2017. 30 th January, 2021. The Sinhalese population in Colombo, which was 51% in … There is a very clear distinction between different ethnic groups; Buddhism is the religion practiced by a majority of the country’s Sinhala population, a larger portion of Tamils is Hindu, and Muslims are adherents of Islam. The total population in Sri Lanka was estimated at 21.9 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. 2022 626,000. A large portion of the attacks’ victims were Sri Lankan Christians—a minority community that make up less than 8 percent of the nation’s population of 21.4 million. Page last updated on January 27, 2020 Population: 22,889,201 (July 2020 est.) One in ten Sri Lankans consider most or all tax officials to be corrupt (GCB 2015). Essential Facts about Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was known as Sarandib, Saheelan among these Muslim Traders. The percentage of Buddhists has risen from 62% to 70% and of Muslims from 7.5% to 9.7% while the percentage of Hindus has fallen from 21% to 12.5%. By the 1980s, the population of Christians was mostly concentrated in the northwest of Sri Lanka and in the capital where they are 10% of the population. Three primary ethic groups exist — Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim. The current population is 19.8 million. 3.21 Population by Religion and Ethnicity – Census Years 114 3.22 Population by District, Religion and Ethnicity – 2012 Census 115 3.23 Mid Year Population by Age Group 115 3.24 Mid Year Population by Province and District 116 3.25 Population Density 117 3.26 Vital Statistics 117 3.27 Crude Birth Rates and Death Rates by District 118 However, the constitution also provides for freedom of religion and right to equality a… Here’s just a little bit more about the Teardrop of India. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 15,275,209 Population. Sri Lanka is a middle income developing nation. Population, total - Sri Lanka. This data set include Sri Lanka census of population and housing 2012 with sex age and religion dis-aggregated data up to GND (4th Admin) level . The law recognizes four religions: Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. Population (2010) 20,860,000 Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 1.1% Population gain (2000-2010) 2,115,000 GDP per capita $4,595 (US) Literacy 91.2% of adult population … Population of Sri Lanka: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Sri Lanka’s diverse society is made up of different ethnic, religious, linguistic, and cultural groups.The 2012 census revealed that the Sinhalese make up 74.9%, Tamils consist 15.3%, and Moors 9.3% of the total of over 20 million For Sri Lanka’s Muslim community, which makes up nine per cent of the population, burials are considered to be a required part of the final rites in accordance with Islamic traditions. If during Sri Lanka’s protracted civil war years, Tamils and Christians were the ethno-linguist and religious Others that threatened the righteous society of the Sinhalese Buddhist nation-state (Gajaweera 2020), then the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic had produced a renewed discourse of the Muslim Other. Ethnicity Sinhalese 74.9%, Sri Lankan Tamil 11.2%, Sri Lankan Moors 9.2%, Indian Tamil 4.2%, other 0.5% (2012 est.) Currently, 18.3 % of the population of Sri Lanka is urban (3,906,383 people in 2019) Created with Highcharts 9.1.0. Sri Lanka has had more than 25,000 cases of Covid-19 and 124 deaths, including more than 50 Muslims who were cremated. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Sri Lanka had a population of 9.9 million people. The population of Sri Lanka in 2017 was estimated at 22.4 million. The Sri Lankan population is predicted to be 21,084,042 by 2020, 21,474,701 by 2030, and 21,397,716 by 2040. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity), with an approximate ethnic representation of 74% Sinhalese, 18% Tamil, 7% Muslim, and 1% Eurasian. Sri Lanka has among the lowest extreme poverty rates among countries in the region, as 1.8 percent of the population were estimated to be extremely poor in 2013. Buddhism is the largest religion of Sri Lanka with 70.2% of the population practicing the religion; then, there are Hindus with 12.6%; Muslims with 9.7% and Christians with 7.4%. Dear Hon. The country has been able to manage the pandemic without any delay in major development projects and infrastructure project, Silva said, adding, the health and safety of the workers too had not been … By the 1980s, the population of Christians was mostly concentrated in the northwest of Sri Lanka and in the capital where they are 10% of the population. Sri Lanka has a population of 23,044,123 according to July 2020 statistics. Country insight: Pre-COVID-19. Religion: Generally, religious affiliation in Sri Lanka is determined by one’s ethnic and language group. THE Sri Lankan government aims to vaccinate its entire population against the coronavirus by the end of 2021 or early 2022, said Army Commander General Shavendra Silva. Demographics of Sri Lanka 2020. However, since the end of the civil war in 2009, the population of Sri Lanka has continued to grow, and in 2020, the population of Sri Lanka is estimated to be over 21 million. When a woman of any religion marries a Muslim, she … Top Religion Population in Sri Lanka 1950 - 2050| Religion Population Growth 2 Responses to “POPULATION GROWTH AND WOMEN FERTILITY RELATED ISSUES IN SRI LANKA” aloy Says: February 18th, 2020 at 6:33 pm “The population of Sri Lanka has dramatically increased and one of the major reasons for rapid increase could be assumed as the increase in women’s fertility and compared to the resources availability and the land area of the country, the level of population … Life expectancy (in 2017) is 80.6 years for women and 73.5 years for men. PopulationPyramid.net. SRI LANKA 2020 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT Executive Summary The constitution provides for freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, including the freedom to change religion. The great number of marriages have also resulted in a greater rate of births as well. The birth rate in Sri Lanka has risen in the last few years to around 17.04 births per population of 1000 people. This is also why the population in the 0-14 year old age bracket makes up 24.1% of the total population. However, living standards remain low, as nearly 45 percent of the population lived on less than $5 per day in 2013. Urban Population Sri Lanka Urban vs. Companies view tax regulations as a major constraint to business in Sri Lanka (GCR 2016-2017). Download - Excel CSV - Sources. Sri Lanka 20,359,439 343,374 1,400,488 1,747,752 1,640,052 1,644,249 1,532,883 1,552,848 1,639,415 1,409,077 1,359,209 1,285,830 1,219,460 1,064,229 917,910 633,289 412,414 283,186 273,774 Needless to say, a good number of that demographic have their liberty, dignity and fundamental rights stolen from them. Life expectancy (in 2017) is 80.6 years for women and 73.5 years for men.
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