Agricultural Science Digest - A Research Journal. Journal is indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), DOAJ, EZB - electronic journals database and DOAR. The Social Work Journal Alternativas.Cuadernos de Trabajo Social would like to inform you that the Call for Papers for next volume (2021) is open.. Alternativas. Answer: Yes, IJAST is an indexed journal. IJCRT is Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, High Impact factor 7.97 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI) with Open-Access Publications. WELCOME TO IJCR. Asian EFL Journal. Presents original papers on theoretical and practical aspects of civil engineering and related sub-topics. jurnal index scopus satu bulan terbit rapid monthly fast publication. Journal of English as International Language. The B&E Review aims to reach an audience in these six fields and is published twice a year.Listed in SciVerse Scopus since 2008 and abstracted and Indexed in EBSCO since 2009 . Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books. Indexed In : SCOPUS, ESCI-Web of Science. It is also accredited by the Commission on Higher Education as one of the most distinguished Philippine journals classified in Category A level since 2009. Asian ESP Journal. scopus Conferences 2021/2022/2023 is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE, ISSN: 2088-8708, a SCOPUS indexed Journal) is the official publication of the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). Paid Scopus Indexed journals, Index Journal, Scoopers Journal Scopus indexed Journals are considered reputed journals because of their rigorous publication process. So to complete the requirements of our authors we have collaborated with a lot of journals indexed in SCOPUS / Web of Science (SCIE/SSCI) / SJR / PubMed and much more. These 3 journals, that will published the accepted papers of the SICC Series CBRNe Conference, are indexed on SCOPUS and 2 of them (EPJ Plus and the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism) also on WEB of SCIENCE. Is IJAST an indexed journal? You can publish papers with Scopus Indexed Journals in Management that brings value. WOS. Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN 1 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Medknow Publications 01896725 09745998 2 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics Kalasalingam University 09728600 Agricultural water management. High visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), EconBiz, IDEAS, EconPapers, and many other databases. SCOPUS INDEXED COMPUTER SCIENCE JOURNALS Scopus indexed computer science journals provides high quality and impact factor journals. IJMRHS is an open access, monthly, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide research and applications related to Medical & Health Sciences. Reflecting back on the original goal, this is 45,000 more books than initially planned. Quarterly. It is known to be one of the top abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed journals with over 70 million pieces such as conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, books, and scientific articles. The more widely a journal is indexed, the more likely it is to be available in library databases, this means that your published articles have a higher chance of being found, read, and, hopefully, cited. Elsevier, taylor and francis, ISI thompson, Web of Science, cara cepat terbit jurnal di index scopus. Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles describing fundamental developments... Signal Processing: Image Communication. IIRAJ journal is an international peer reviewed monthly journal aims to provide an open access platform and encourages researchers, scholars, academicians globally to share their expert knowledge in almost all areas of Engineering & Technology. Yashika Publication is a firm by Authors for Authors for helping them publishing their research articles in International publications like UGC CARE, Scopus and ESCI Indexed Journals … UGC Care List Journals & Scopus Indexed Journals in short time starting at just INR 2100. List of Topics Covered. Quarterly e-Journal (From 2008 - 2016) Bi-Monthly e-Journal (Since 2017) ISSN: 2185-3118 Great News 2020 SCOPUS CiteScore: 1.90! ISSN : 1309-4653. Journals is under final review process for SCOPUS and updating as per the suggestion. Scopus indexed Indian journals list contain all Indian journals listed in the scopus base, by print ISSN and the title available in the . 9/15/17 9:46 PM. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues: (Q2, Scopus) Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers. Journal Indicator search makes OA journals more visible among 22,000+ titles By Susanne Steiginga & Ian Evans Posted on 21 October 2015 Over the past five years, the number of open access journals has increased steadily. JOURNAL METRICS CiteScore 2018: 0.36 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2018: 0.163 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.210 Click HERE to learn more about the Journal Click HERE to submit your abstract. Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. updated non paid SCI and Scopus indexed engineering journals are listed below. 1. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 2. The main objective of the International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences (RIMCIS) is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an … res kaushik sir i agree with your openion becoz scopus indexed journal at least take 3 months for publication if we need urgent theb local journals are alternative but some of … Linguistics Journal. Examples of serial publications are journals, annuals (such as reports, yearbooks, and directories), and book series, and these are assigned an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). International Journal of Current Research, (IJCR) is an international double blinded referred and peer-viewed monthly online academic research journal in all the streams. Scientific … Home › Journal › Top Scopus Indexed Journals in English Literature Top Scopus Indexed Journals in English Literature By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on June 15, 2020 • ( 0 ) anti journal predatory. Is this journal a refereed journal? Indexed In : SCOPUS. JournalsIndexed aims to increase the visibility and ease of use of indexed open access scientific and scholarly journals. Affiliated to Allied Business Academies, the journal strictly adheres to double blind peer review policy to maintain the publication quality. So which is good? Scopus indexed journal list- Free/ paid journals. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities E-ISSN 0975-2935 I Indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, ERIHPLUS, EBSCO, UGC Half-Yearly. The abstracts will be indexed and available at major academic databases (like for example Scopus and EI Compendex). By being included in Scopus it will mean the visibility of research from the journal will be greatly enhanced. Indexed Journals by Scopus gives authority and credibility to civil engineering doctoral researchers. Check also the status of journal whether it got … There are nearly 200 to 300 journals inside it. abiebdragx. These are the top Scopus indexed journal in civil engineering 2021. IIRAJ Journal. International Journal of Research in Informative Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary , and monthly journal focusing on theories, methodologies,analysis and relevant fields. Industrial And Engineering Chemistry Research - Q1. Agriculture, Biology. ISSN:1800-6450, Scopus Indexed Journal, Google Scholar, WEB OF SCIENCE Submit Paper for this Journal . Scopus Indexed Journals : Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books.Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. Statistical Modelling: 35 Impact Factor: 1.026 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product Progress in Development Studies: 34 Impact Factor: 1.125 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product Young: 25 Impact Factor: 1.160 Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product Those journals are not covered by Scopus. Indexed Journals by Scopus gives authority and credibility to civil engineering doctoral researchers. Aslib journal of information management. ISSN : 1309-6591 Indexed In : SCOPUS. Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of... Moroccan Journal of Chemistry RJPBCS - Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences IJAPBC - International Journal … Arid Land Research and Management. Any fast publishing Scopus indexed journal ? About This Journal: The Journal of Marketing … IFERP is a leading publisher of scientific articles in SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Springer Journals and Web of Science Journals. SCI, SJR. Scopus indexed journals in Mathematics of Israel Journal of Mathematics . Phd Services. The International Journals of Engineering and Sciences (IJENS) visualize to prosper across the continents by providing a magnificent platform to publish the research papers of excellent theoretical and applied research in all present and future era Engineering, Computing and Sciences regulations. CiteScore is a simple and robust way of measuring the citation impact of peer-reviewed research in serial titles such as journals. Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with ISI, ERIC, Scopus and JournalSeek. More Posts. Frequency: 4 issues per year Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ) is a scholarly business and management publication that offers an open access platform to discuss the latest discoveries and innovations in this field. Indexed by Publons, EndNote, Web of Science and ResearcherID: 2904388 . Submit your papers to Publication of Proceeding Papers in Scopus Indexed Journal within 2 Months Yashika Publication is a firm by Authors for Authors for helping them publishing their research articles in International publications like UGC CARE, Scopus and ESCI Indexed Journals … Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. IFERP is a leading publisher of scientific articles in SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Springer Journals and Web of Science Journals. Agricultural Research Communication Centre. The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. Elsevier, taylor and francis, ISI thompson, Web of Science, cara cepat terbit jurnal di index scopus. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline - Q2. IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research works from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and corporate in their respective expertise of studies. PHD Admissions, Thesis Writing Service, ... IMPACT Journals are monthly journals. Moreover there are nearly 70 different domains in computer science. SCI, SJR. Solid State Technology - Q4 ISSN: 0038-111X Submit Paper for this Journal . Scopus has now surpassed its targeted goal of 120,000 books indexed since the Scopus Book Titles Expansion program was first announced, marking the conclusion of the project (10,000 books will continue to be added annually). ... IJCRR editorial team MONTHLY selects one 'Best Article' for the award among published articles. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ) is International Indexed and Multi-Disciplinary Peer-Reviewed Monthly Research Journal that accepts research works from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and corporate in their respective expertise of studies. Journal Rank: 2020 CiteScore - Q1 (General Social Sciences) Selectively indexed journals contain an average of 50-79% education-related articles and are critical to topic area coverage; ERIC applies a manual article-by-article selection process and indexes only the articles that conform to the standard and criteria outlined in the ERIC selection policy. Important Dates to be remembered: 10 Jun 2021. The International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) is having ISSN 2277-3878 (online), bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M.P. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. Acquatic eco system health & management. All given journals are q4 and easy to publish papers. Hard to say, and depends on what you mean by 'good'. Advances in production engineering and management. All given journals are q4 and easy to publish papers. SCOPUS Indexed. The journals are indexed in main world databases: all the journals are in Scopus, CrossRef, DOAJ, GoogleScholar, 10 of them are on the Web of Science and many other databases. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. One of the easiest ways to ensuring that your paper is published quicky by a well-recognized Scopus indexed journal is to pick a journal that offers easy and quick publication. Finding out which Scopus indexed journals have swift publication processed in place is the key to getting one’s research work out there in the world, in quick time. Social Sciences journals indexed in Scopus list 2021. IJSSE is indexed on SCOPUS. Publication of Proceeding Papers in Scopus Indexed Journal within 2 Months. Title of the Journal Name of the Publisher. Acqua culture economics and management. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities E-ISSN 0975-2935 I Indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, ERIHPLUS, EBSCO, UGC 24 answers. All the papers in the journal are also available freely with online full-text content and permanent worldwide web link. 3. It has been indexed in the Medline database since 2006, and has become a vehicle for expressing the most current and modern Spanish medicine. × Important Details IJCRT - International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Nominal(Low) Fees for Professional Research Services International Journ Social Sciences is published monthly online by MDPI. All … Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (English Edition) Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas , founded in 1909, is the oldest monthly medical journal published in Spain. University Grants Commission (UGC) Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002. Indexed by ORCID: 0000-0002-0625-2853. It is indexed with and included in Ulrich’s, EBSCO, DOAJ, Gale and IndexCopernicus International. TESOL International Journal. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. jurnal index scopus satu bulan terbit rapid monthly fast publication. 0976-0547. We guarantee that using our most experienced publishing team, 4000+ reviewers network and collaboration with great UGC Care List Journals & Scopus Indexed Journals, We can publish your paper in short time just after the acceptance of paper. The Journal of Marketing (JM) is a Bi-monthly journals, develops and disseminates knowledge about real-world marketing questions useful to scholars, educators, managers, policymakers, consumers, and other societal stakeholders around the world. Indian journals indexed in Scopus (Source List) This list is a part of Group A of UGC-CARE List (as of 14th June 2019) Sr.No. Scopus Indexed Journals with low-cost publication … Journal that is not considered to be Scopus Indexed Journals. ISSN:0022-2429 E-ISSN:1547-7185. Your paper credit will increase after the journal indexed in Scopus. Database (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) Sl.No. Last date for manuscript submission is 11 Jun, 2021. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. Welcome To IJRISAT. These are the top Scopus indexed journal in civil engineering 2021. ISSN : 1520-5045. Easy publishing Scopus indexed journals in Chemistry-2021. Hi, Thanks for A2A. List of Monthly Published Scopus indexed journals Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Work after publication will be retrievable on the website bifurcated based on issues of the month and its publication date. The journal is an official publication of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering and Iran University of Science and Technology. Index Copernicus IC Value: 5.16 & ID: 33720 'Thomson Reuters' Researcher ID: G-7152-2019 . Call For Papers Scopus Indexed Journal Details. Being in ESCI is a different matter, since the really good journals won't be in it, but the really bad ones won't be in it either. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research. Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Indexed in SCOPUS and Call for papers. Re: SCOPUS INDEXED MANAGEMENT JOURNALS - India. The International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) is an open, peer-reviewed, inte... Scopus is a database with bibliographical information on scientific literature. It primarily collect... Scopus Indexed Journals : Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer... Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Check also the status of journal whether … Indexed and Abstracted in:Scopus, Crossref, CAS Abstracts, Publons, CiteFactor, Open J-Gate, ROAD, Indian Citation Index ... IJCRR is a peer-reviewed indexed journal that is available online and in print format as well. Scopus is the #1 curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, covering over 23,000 journals. Journal those were indexed in Scopus in the past but currently discontinued. Details. It is the premier outlet for substantive research in marketing. It is an Open Access Journal indexed in Scopus and Web of Science Scopus Indexed Journals List - 2020, 2021. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. We deliver products purchased from in excellent condition and as soon as possible. RIMCIS is already indexed in the following Data Bases: SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) , ERIH PLUS , DIALNET , DULCINEA , DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), SHERPA/RoMEO. ISSN : 1521-4672. Journal of Marketing Research|Impact Factor=6.465. TJPRC solicits original research papers ONLY for its ISSN (with Impact Factor-JCC), NAAS Rated journals. The IAFOR Journal of Education is currently indexed in more than 10 places including Scopus, DOAJ, WorldCat, ULRICHSWEB and EBSCO. Indexed In : SCOPUS. 1 About CiteScore and its Derivative Metrics. SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALS ESCI-WEB OF SCIENCE JOURNALS GOOGLE SCHOLAR JOURNALS UGC JOURNALS. Asked 20th Aug, 2018; Erick Go; Who can help with a link to the a fast publishing scopus indexes journal.
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