7. Any promotional content will be deleted. twinkling. Learn more. Xenodochial. dull. Adjectives Position – Where to Position an Adjective? The Masters and their Music A series of illustrative programs with biographical, esthetical, and critical annotations Beta and gamma emissions can be detected by scintillation counters. matte. It was not the most scintillating of All-Star affairs. Scintillating meaning. Super Mario Bros has an Italian plumber who shoots fireballs when he grabs a flower and whose archnemesis is a giant turtle. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Synonyms: brilliant, exciting, stimulating, lively More Synonyms of scintillating shining. The joke she told was so not funny. Patriarchy (noun) – a society in which men hold most or all of the power. 1 : to emit sparks : spark. irrelevant. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Sometimes an adjective is not followed by a noun, for example: There is a tall woman. stimulating. 3. Scintillating adjective, 1846 1. brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty First of all, I love this word. Find 40 ways to say BEAMING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. adjective. "bright dress "; - brilliant, vivid. Product shipment by the movie more likely an introductory statement? These are very important considerations in the field of Astronomy. WORD OF THE WEEK: SCINTILLATING. The Hermann grid and the scintillation effect. The usefulness of an adjective comes from it’s ability to characterize a noun, giving more detailed and imaginative information about the object of discussion. (Definition of scintillating from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Most importantly, I think these differences in recollection are irrelevant. Scintillating definition, animated; vivacious; effervescent: a scintillating personality. 1 Sparkling or shining brightly. ‘the scintillating sun’. 200+8 sentence examples: 1. ADJECTIVE scintillating (adjective) sparkling or shining brightly. In addition to its literal use, scintillate can mean " to sparkle " in a figurative sense - that is, to be lively, or to perform brilliantly. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. brilliant. 1) He was sprawling in an armchair in front of the TV. Xenial. Example sentences: Oh, life was one scintillating cluster breast-pin of ecstasies! . noun A corrosive substance, such as an acid, used in etching. Zappy. Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed. You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age. ... scintillating scintillation SCIO. Normally, adjectives are positioned before the noun that they describe: the yellow ribbon, the heavy box. Context sentences for "scintillating" in Polish. The amount of incorporated label was measured by scintillation counting. in a sentence. Scintillate has its roots in the Latin words scintillare, meaning “to sparkle,” and scintilla, meaning “a spark.” The verb scintillate is related to the adjective scintillating and the noun scintilla. We must coordinate our operations with theirs. 1.1. 6) I tripped and went sprawling. 3. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): stern. ; It is hard to conceive a case of greater misery and destitution than his. 3. invigorating. Whereas adjective clause acts as a superstitious man who sang a comma before, won the door. WEEK OF 9/3/2000 #1 SIBILANT Part of Speech: adjective Definition: Having or making a hissing sound. Third, there seems to be a difference between between the verb scintillate and the adjective scintillating. scrawny: unattractively thin and bony. Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading. Example Sentence: I reside in a vibrant cosmopolitan city. What does scintillating mean? It is also frequently seen in its adjectival form, scintillating, with the meaning "very clever, amusing, and interesting," as in a scintillating discussion. Just as scintillating gives us the image of sparks of light, effervescent makes us think … Scintillate has its roots in the Latin words scintillare, meaning “to sparkle,” and scintilla, meaning “a spark.”. glittering. If you are wondering for X words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! coruscating. The scintillation counter wa adjective Serving to fix colors in dyeing. The scintillating, sweet aroma of cinnamon buns filled the kitchen. Translate Scintillating. 5) “Well, I am a bit of an Anglophile .” (page 93) The following sentence mentioned that an Anglophile is someone who loves England. HTML tags are not allowed and will be encoded. To be fair, there have been a few scintillating moments. I will also put the part of speech, where I heard the word, and the actual sentence or phrase it was used in. To scintillate is to give off or emit flashes of light, or to sparkle. INNATE (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): inborn … Scintillating-witty; brilliantly clever (adjective) Arnold’s scintillating remarks frustrated the reporter. 1. Ex. View synonyms. bright. “I burned dinner, but I didn’t burn the cake,” is an example of a compound sentence. – she is … adjective Incisive and trenchant. brilliant. There are two types: independent and dependent. This house is very nice. Compound sentences can be divided to make two simple sentences by removing the conjunction. Zaftig. Here are some adjectives that start with X which you can choose from. "Cute", "sweet", "darling", "adorable", & "precious" are the most common. Now that school has started back, my neighborhood is pretty quiescent during the day. jump to other results. Synonyms: brilliant, exciting, stimulating, lively More Synonyms of scintillating Their attires were iridescent, gorgeous in the fashions borrowed from many lands. 6. Examples of Scintillating in a sentence. Sentence Examples They don't mind very much, especially as you provide such scintillating company. ; Trees loomed ahead and flew past by the clump under a wonderful wide sky of scintillating stars. Definition of scintillating in the Definitions.net dictionary. Synonyms: sparkling. Word: Tawdry (adjective) Definition: showy, cheap and flashy. dazzling. Describe a Person. 42 sentence examples: 1. In this sentence, "twinkling" is used as an adjective, and "brightly" is an adverb. ; But this destitution that hath overtaken me overwhelmed me with confusion! vivacious. Scintillating (sin-tl-ey-ting) scintillating \sin-tl-ey-ting \ (adjective)1. animated; vivacious; effervescent: a scintillating personality.2. You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid tha In 1970, a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental actio Having strong or striking colour. transitive verb To treat with a mordant. Synonyms and Antonyms of Gracioso. September 16, 2016. How to say scintillating. remarkably witty. : brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty a scintillating conversation. Words beginning with U for next week. The brilliant lightning was like a cat-o'-nine tails. noun A reagent, such as tannic acid, that fixes dyes to cells, tissues, or textiles or other materials. During the interview, the clever comedian came up with one scintillating response after another. 4) The fire is sprawling in all directions. You can easily harness the power of the adjectives to express and convey your message. Sentence with the word scintillating. ‘Nestling on the end of a silvery pendant lay a brilliant shifting and shimmering stone of the deepest blue imaginable, shining with scintillating azure starfire.’. The following is incorrect: There was almost a threatening edge to his voice. The host made us laugh with her scintillating comments. brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful. Brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful. The destitution and suffering were indescribable. 2. The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 27-05-2021 sĭn'tl-ā'tĭng. Dec 2015. What does sparkly mean? More example sentences. . scornful: feeling or expressing contempt or derision. 4. That definition won't help you much if you don't understand clauses. 7. Adjective: bright (brighter,brightest) brIt. SCINTILLATING (ADJECTIVE): (चकाचौंध में डालनेवाला): brilliant Synonyms: dazzling, exciting Antonyms: boring Example Sentence:The audience loved his scintillating wit. "bright headlights "; - undimmed. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Scintillating presentation on context, i came into a sentence? Discover 7 vocabulary building adjective games that can inspire learning, plus a fun word search to download. My position is that this contract is irrelevant to our negotiations. "It is easy to use an exponent in a sentence." If the adjectives are not coordinate, don’t separate them with a comma. That word, scintilla, is also the source of other words in English. There is scintilla itself (used as a noun meaning "a little bit"), scintillant (an adjective describing something that scintillates), and scintillation (which, among other things, means "a brilliant outburst"). Find 6 ways to say FULGENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Carte blanche: Complete freedom to act according to your desires. Typically, a predicate adjective follows the … preposition A preposition is one of the eight parts of speech. Example Sentence: Hikers made a grim discovery when they came across a dead body in the woods. Whether it’s for an interview with a potential employer or the need to have the last word in an argument, a great vocabulary is vital for sounding smart… er, I mean, perspicacious. Implement these 20 words and phrases (complete with contemporary examples) in your everyday speech and your diction will … 2 : to emit quick flashes as if throwing off sparks : sparkle Imagine it's a cool summer night, the stars scintillate brilliantly in the sky overhead and the campfire blazes away. scintillating (also: coruscant, flashing, gleaming, glittering, glittery, lucent, shining, shiny, agleam) volume_up. ; The destitution of horns on the calf and of teeth in the suckling. Word: scintillating (adjective) For once, our hyperactive Great Dane is quiescent and resting on the rug. Definition of Scintillating. It was as beautiful and iridescent as the Staubbach, and as impalpable. scintillate: 1 v emit or reflect light in a flickering manner Synonyms: twinkle , winkle Type of: beam , shine emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light v give off “the substance scintillated sparks and flashes” Synonyms: twinkle , winkle emit or reflect light in a flickering … 2 Bifurcated lightning electrified the buckling, autumn sky. See what Rpine (rpine71) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. adjective Bitingly sarcastic. Like a boy's soap bubble, it glitters for a brief moment in iridescent rotundity, then ceases to be even a film of air. Sprawling in a sentence. These people are hanging on my every word because I am scintillating, and because listening to me is an Improving Experience for them. a play full of scintillating dialogue; Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear drenched communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty. Englishbix, will help you with your content and design it in a way to desire. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A scintillating conversation or performance is very lively and interesting. Its glassy surface gently scintillating with a myriad of colours, the monocle seemed to hold unfathomable power within its relatively small size. To say the golf was scintillating would be to undersell not only the drama but also the quality. I have seen more scintillating things boaked up on the kitchen floor by my cat. exhilarating. sparkling, shining, bright, brilliant, gleaming, glittering, twinkling, coruscating, flashing, shimmering, shimmery. Scintillating (adjective); brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty. adjective [usu ADJ n] A scintillating conversation or performance is very lively and interesting. This building is so high. Sentence: During the interview, the clever comedian came up with one scintillating response after another. A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. – the justices have been scornful of the government’s conduct. Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading. Pronunciation of scintillating with 4 audio pronunciations, 19 synonyms, 1 meaning, 15 translations, 15 sentences and more for scintillating. Effervescent. Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting. "the sun was bright and hot "; "a bright sunlit room ". adjective Bitingly painful. Each sentence contains the shape, the sky, the sound, the colour, the brightness and a simile. 16 sentence examples: 1. Join @Daily_The_Hindu_Vocabulary. The sweet, scintillating aroma of cinnamon buns filled the kitchen. 2. Often, the adjective is before the noun it describes. Originally Posted by Peelee. Conclusion: With this amazing list of adjectives, you can create really expressive content. glittering scintillating (Adjective) : very clever, amusing and interesting Correct Option: D glittering scintillating (Adjective) : very clever, amusing and interesting very clever, exciting and interesting. To scintillate is to give off or emit flashes of light, or to sparkle. When a diamond sparkles in the sunshine, this is an example of when it scintillates. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp. Zealful. Celerity, valor, endurance, they were his iridescent neck and tail feathers. When a diamond sparkles in the sunshine, this is an example of when it scintillates. exciting. There will be five new words a week, plus ten other words from other students' websites. Although the man is a priest, he has a scintillating sense of humor that puts most people at ease. Re: DataNinja's Scintillating Digital Random Banter #231. . /ˈsɪntɪleɪtɪŋ/. gleaming. More example sentences. shimmering. Whether Dostoevsky is the " greatest " is irrelevant. See 3 authoritative translations of Scintillating in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Cole the Polar Bear snatched a _____ mackerel out of the _____ water with his vicious bear paw. Meaning of SCINTILLATING in a Sentence. Sample sentence: All definitions are approved by humans before publishing. – 4/5/15 – 8/5/15. 2. a play full of scintillating dialogue. scintillate. Even low achievers need these life-affirming, scintillating experiences. 9-5 offices are seldom carte blanche, so Rita chose entrepreneurship. ; No other adversity is so sharp as destitution of merit. Behold the ultimate adjective list, filled with close to 2,000 amazing adjectives to help you describe almost anything. The host’s scintillating conversations with celebrities have earned her numerous awards. 1 Antlered lightning blazed in the boiling, autumn sky. adjective. /ˈsɪntɪleɪtɪŋ/. ... An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. The verb scintillate is related to the adjective scintillating and the noun scintilla. A predicate adjective is an adjective appearing in the predicate of a sentence or clause and modifying the grammatical subject of the sentence or clause. How can you use exponent in a sentence? Definition of sparkly in the Definitions.net dictionary. 4. He carries around a great vat of nervous energy that makes him at least as wearying as he is scintillating company. . Typically, a predicate adjective follows the … almost Place almost directly before the word it modifies. 10. My sentence: When he finished his scintillating narration of the story behind his tattoo, the audience gave him a standing ovation. See more. You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age. Many thanks to 2K2 for this week’s Word of the Week. But the tickets were irrelevant; there was no entrance booth. Previous passages in this novel made me think scintillating meant agitating. The adorable, little boy was eating ice cream. 7. 6. Meaning of scintillating. The adjective in English is "shiny" and the synonyms can be gleaming, glistening, or scintillating. 5) The city is a sprawling behemoth with no heart. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? I hate when men insist on being patriarchal. Examples of Quiescent in a sentence. sparkling or shining brightly Example Sentence: Her scintillating personality made her a great actress. Normally, adjectives are positioned before the noun that they describe: the yellow ribbon, the heavy box. Let’s face it: Sometimes we need to sound more intelligent than we actually are. Part of Speech: Adjective. Remember, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. shimmery. How to say scintillating in English? 0. Here is another definition I found of scintillating: ‘the audience loved his scintillating wit’. ; Anon, it burst forth in scintillating flashes and shot out streams of quickening wit. It buzzed in its beeswax-gold splendour. (0) The definition of scintillating is something fascinating or brilliantly clever. Understand the meaning of Palatable by reading Palatable in a sentence. In the past, patriarchy was the way of living in most countries. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. Children and adults alike are happier to learn when they're having fun. list of adjectives words beginning with S to describe someone sad sadistic safe saintly sallow same samoan sanguine sapphire sarcastic sardinian sardonic sassy satanic satisfied satisfying saturnine saucy savage scarce scared scarred scary scattered sceptered sceptical sceptred scholarly scintillating scornful scotch scots scottish scratchy screaming scruffy sculptured seated secretive … Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them. 4. Definition: Brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty. scintillating {adjective} volume_up. Context: The stylist thought her models clothes were exuberant; the reviewers dismissed them as tawdry. Learn the definition and increase your comprehension by reading the word Herculean in a sentence. adjective. ; Beggary was to be the portion of Yoemon, the destitution of the outcast. Definition of scintillating written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Example Sentence:I reside in a vibrant cosmopolitan city. The ambiguity is whether the word "cooking" is being used as an adjective or a verb. Example Sentence: His scintillating wit was loved by the audience. While the bees are quiescent early in the morning and in the evening, they are … 2. SCINTILLATING(ADJECTIVE): (चकाचौंध में डालने वाला): brilliant Synonyms: dazzling, exciting Antonyms: boring Example Sentence: The audience loved his scintillating wit. The indefinite adjective "many" modifies the noun "people" and the noun phrase "many people" is the subject of the sentence. scintillating. ‘the team produced a scintillating … A predicate adjective is an adjective appearing in the predicate of a sentence or clause and modifying the grammatical subject of the sentence or clause. No one had foreseen its scintillating method of certifying the draw. 2) There were weeds sprawling in the yard. Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts. bab.la … Not made dim or less bright. exciting and intelligent: It was a superb script and a scintillating production. The scintillating banter between the brothers makes Supernatural a funny television show. Find 20 ways to say SCINTILLATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.
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