See our Wave Petunias page for the outstanding and popular Wave, Easy Wave, Tidal Wave and Shock Wave varieties. Fragrant double-bloomed petunias. The flowers are highly fragrant so position where £12.99. These unique double blooms are produced in abundance and easily trail up to 80cm, ideal for hanging baskets. If you have any questions, Please contact Lee on 01782 405355 or email me on Taxonomy. Buy Petunia 'Tumbelina Priscilla' from Sarah Raven: Several of the mauve and white petunias are scented, but none are scented and double like this one. Diy Planters Hanging Planters Planter Ideas Fall Planters Full Sun Planters Diy Hanging White And Blue Flowers Red And White Hanging Baskets or Best Offer. top 8 most popular 1 petunia seed list and get free shipping About the size of a pinhead, these insects have soft, pear-shaped bodies. Petunia tumbelina'Rosy Ripple' Petunia 'Rosy Ripple' This Petunia Tumbelina Rosy Ripple has masses of deep cerise and white bicolour double flowers that will cascade beautifully over the sides of your hanging baskets or containers. High-quality Purple Petunia Wall Art designed and sold by artists. £12.99 £10.99 Save £2.00. Burpee First pure white Tumbelina. Stunning petunias from the Tumbelina® series with sumptuous, fully double white flowers borne in abundance all summer long and, with the added bonus of a subtle, sweet fragrance. Search this site. We use cookies to personalise content, analyse website performance and for advertising purposes. Beach Baby Mix, Lobelia Waterfall Blue, Petunia SunSpun Yellow. Mixed Swwt Peas in 9cm pots @£1. Delivery. Surfinia. Petunia Tumbelina reach a height and spread of approximately 25cm, whilst trailing 75-100cm. Petunia Tumbelina Candyfloss 2 options. Petunia Tumbelina® Melissa creamy white Mr Fothergill says… "Order the collection, 18 young petunia plants plus two Easi-Plant Baskets for ONLY £22.90 AND SAVE £18.90!" In stock for home delivery More info: In stock for collection More info: Product Description. It can seem like a lot of work but by doing a little at a time, you’ll reap huge benefits with these beautiful flowers. Your plant will take a week to recover from the trim, but the end result is a fuller plant with more blooms going forward. Rooting petunia flowers is very simple as long as you prepare correctly. Choose available pack sizes: 5 petunia Postiplug plants - Out of Stock. Many varieties fragrant. Supertunia® White Petunia hybrid 'KL 1117' USPP 25,485, Can … Petunia Tumbelina Scented Falls Flower Plant Collection Petunia X hybrida. N1512229. ® These beauties are self-cleaning, floriferous, and have flowers that range in color from purest white to rich, royal purple. Petunia Peppy Blue (Peppy Series) £ 29.99. This is not just speculation from a hummer-hopeful gardener. Diamond pearly shades F1. Tumbelina Priscilla (an AGM winner), whose flowers are a soft lavender in colour. More Details. Use the wave petunia in containers where this spreading petunia will provide a mass of color. This item Tumbelina Basket Mix Hanging Petunia Seeds UPC 695928806737 +1 Plant Marker (250) Flower Seeds - 75 Seeds of Petunia Seeds Star Mix Multiflora Petunia Seeds Hanging Baskets Non Gmo Seed Needs, Swiss Giants Pansy (Viola wittrockiana) Twin Pack of 600 Seeds Each 6 Trailing Petunia Surfinia Snow White Hanging Basket Patio Plug Plants 4.20£ View Details 6 Scented Trailing Petunia Tumbelina Priscilla Hanging Basket Patio Plug Plants £2.99 postage. If petunia foliage puckers and turns yellowish, check for aphids. Price: 7.95 Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here. BASKET PLANT OFFER Mix & Match. For orders to United Kingdom addresses, the latest despatch dates are listed alongside each product. Petunia 'Wave Ooh La La' £ 14.98. Petunia is genus of 20 species of flowering plants of South American origin. Petunia Tumbelina Bella. Petunia Tumbelina … Petunia Suncatcher ™ Pink Lemonade. wide. ... Surfinia® Giant Purple. You’ll get six plug plants, two each of three colours. About Petunia Tumbelina . Many varieties fragrant. To keep your petunias looking great try to implement these tips during your blooming season. Surfinia® Giant blue. Petunia have simple leaves and large, solitary, trumpet-shaped flowers. You receive one plant each of petunia Tumbelina flowers: Crazy Ripple – Raspberry Ripple and lime green flowers Diana – Linen-white blooms in big numbers Priscilla … £0.65 postage. Click on any of the 120 plants listed below in the genus Petunia to read more about that plant, or go back to the genus a-z. Surfinia Double White… Petunia Littletunia Pink ™ 1EH018 Coreopsis Solanna Golden Sphere ™ Gaillardia Galya Blazing Sun ™ CRP132 Fuchsia Trailing Blue Angel CRP131 CRF018 Petunia Tumbelina Priscilla Pro ® Scaevola White Touch ™ Gerbera Patio Glorious Orange ® PRB211 GPG384 CRA016 Hakonechloa m. All Gold CRP370 Dahlia Dahlietta Select Margareth ® Check out our fabulous range of petunia plants delivered ready to go! Other petunia varieties available include Ramblin', Opera Supreme, Limbo, Mambo and other series. Some botanists place the plants of the genus Calibrachoa in the genus Petunia, but this is not accepted by others. Try Snow, Sweet Pink or Purple Variegated - or mix it up for an explosion of colour. DAMSON RIPPLE is an attractive trailing Petunia. 22. Surfinia Petunia found in: Petunia 'Surfinia' Collection, Nurserymans Choice Petunia Surfinia, Petunia 'Surfinia Star Burgundy', Petunia 'Trailing.. Petunia 'Corona Amethyst' 33. Bred for performance, they will provide you with masses of gorgeous double blooms in a mix of purple and white shades all summer long until the first frosts. In the early sixteenth century when Queen Elizabeth I reigned, Spanish explorers in South America. ‘Rose Star’ (Petunia Ultra Series), whose flowers look striped because of its rose-pink flowers with a white center. Petunia Seeds. Best in a sunny spot, providing months of colour in containers and hanging baskets. Petunia Suncatcher ™ Pink Lemonade. Plants and bulbs will be delivered to you at the optimal time for planting. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Surfinia® was the first trailing (hanging) Petunia brand on the market. Suitable for hanging baskets, window boxes or large containers. High quality Petunia gifts and merchandise. Trailing Petunia Grand Prix Violet 2 options. Fulfilled and sold by Thompson & Morgan. Your garden will love you forever. Petunia Tumbelina 'Bella'. Genus Petunia can be annuals or perennials, with simple leaves and large, solitary, trumpet-shaped flowers in the upper leaf axils from late spring to autumn Details [Surfinia Purple] is a vigorous trailing plant to 30cm tall, with dark magenta-purple flowers 8cm across from mid summer to late autumn Petunia Tumbelina has an amazing cascading habit (trailing up to 90cm), giving you waterfalls of colour wherever you decide to place them. Petunia ‘Tumbelina Bella' is a spectacular trailing variety producing masses of gorgeous scented bicolour purple and white flowers on trailing stems in summer and early autumn. Petunia Tumbelina Diana has is a pure white frilly double flowering trailing petunia. Tumbelina Petunias are wonderful for putting in a hanging basket on their own, with other Tumbelina varieties or in mixed displays to let them cascade and add interest to any patio or courtyard. Spread 30cm (12in) Petunia Tumbelina Diana (White). From £13.49. Jul 28, 2016 - Shop a range of rare, unusual and exciting perennials including many RHS award winners. Petunia Tumbelina Diana has is a pure white frilly double flowering trailing petunia. Grow in well-drained soil in sun or part shade. Plants and bulbs will be delivered to you at the optimal time for planting. Free postage. About Petunia Tumbelina . Period. Tumbelina Trailing Petunias. Weather tolerant of both wind, sun and rain. Bright Petunia flowers (Petunia hybrida)in the garden in spring. Price: 7.95 Petunia 'Waves Mixed' F1 Hybrid £ 1. Katalog - Petunia - Surfinia, Tumbelina, Million Bells Pro jaro 2019 nabízíme: Surfinia . 31. This is a bedding/basket plant. Questions. Primrose is the trading name of Meika Ltd (registration no: 4756556), registered at 44 Portman Road, Reading, RG30 1EA. Petunia Grand Prix (Semi-Trailing) 4 options. Summer flowers have been reinvented with these superb new Surfinia Petunias. Petunia … Classic double trailing petunias with good pot performance. Delivery to driveway or designated safe area. These plants branch and flower freely, to make a colourful, spreading & trailing plant, so perfect for baskets and window boxes etc. Postage and packing is charged at … Includes flowers to pick for the home with perfume to lift your spirits. £1.95. … A highly fragrant variety, it will look absolutely stunning over the sides of your hanging baskets, containers and … View Quick Facts Chart Extensive selection of petunia seed varieties including both spreading petunias and upright petunias. Bedding varieties are either grandifloras with larger flowers or multifloras with smaller flowers that hold up better in the rain. plant Features. Red upright Verbena. A real breakthrough! All of our plug plants are available to buy in store at Sapcote Garden Centre between February and end of April. 4.2 out of 5 stars 12. Petunia Tumbelina Sophia (Blue Purple Lilac). (973) Petunia Bolero Double Flowering Purple 2 options. To add plants to your garden quickly login or register. Plant from our range of half-hardy petunia seeds and have flowers to suit any garden's colour scheme. 1 to 120 of 120 results. N1512172. Grow Petunia Tumbelina® in rich, moisture retentive soil in full sun. Ideal for gardeners who want something classical yet a little bit different this year. Perfect for long-lasting trailing displays, Petunia Thumbelina Diana will produce an abundance of pristine white double blooms all Summer long until the first frosts. Cascadias™ Rim Magenta Petunia Plant. Petunia Insects & Diseases. Perfect for … 6 young plants, 2 of each variety. High Resolution Images. Home > . Spreading or trailing petunias include Surfinia, Wave, Tumbelina, Supertunia and Cascadia series. For orders to United Kingdom addresses, the latest despatch dates are listed alongside each product. Tumbelina Petunia Fragrant Collection 12 Plug Plants. These are techniques I use in the hot, humid southeastern United States. Shop unique custom made Canvas Prints, Framed Prints, Posters, Tapestries, and more. Le Petunia 'Tumbelina Anna' est une variété récente à fleurs doubles et superbement bicolores, en rose et blanc, dotée de surcroît d'une bonne tolérance aux intempéries et d'un parfum très agréable.Le port dense et semi-retombant et l'interminable floraison de cette généreuse plante annuelle feront merveille dans les potées fleuries et les suspensions. £7.99. Petunia Tumbelina® Rosy Ripple Plug Plant. Purple, white rim picotee double. Our fast growing petunia seeds come in spreading, trailing and mounded varieties that flourish in beds, containers or as border flowers in any garden. Monochromatic Using the shades of a single colour is the easiest scheme to put together. Plants trail up to 35cm (14in). 9cm pot @£1.50. Perfect for … From £15.49. Petunia x atkinsiana 'Tumbelina Melissa', Petunia 'Kermelis', Petunia 'Melissa' (Tumbelina Series), Petunia 'Melissa' Genus. tall and 24 inches (61 cm.) The trailing pink double- flowered Petunia Tumbelina Candyfloss are producing flowers now , 9cm pot @£1.50. N1512171. The researchers studied these questions in the common garden petunia. Petunia Tumbelina Bella. Floribundas ‘Celebrity’ series petunias are compact and rain-tolerant. ... Petunia Surfinia Pink Hanging Basket Plants for Borders Pots (6 Pack) (Petunia Surfinia White) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Just 5 plants of Petunia 'Cherry Ripple' are sufficient to fill a hanging basket with masses of vibrant colour that will last all summer long. 6 Petunia Tumbelina DIANA White Double Trailing Annual Garden Ready Plug Plants.
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