050. I … CW: restraints, nonhuman whumpee, needles, dehumanization, probably medical inaccurate, paralysis, medical/ science whump, blood. Visualizza altre idee su suggerimenti per la scrittura, scrivere idee, scienze forensi. Before we lose them, I offered to put them here. That “doctor” actually covered a pretty wide field. “You don’t look too good.” ... but I’m pretty sure you need to get medical attention.” ... angst angst prompt angst prompts villain prompt villain villain prompts story prompt prompt list story inspo story inspiration whump prompts whump whump prompt. They feel a stabbing pain and look down to see the blood dripping down from the middle of their legs. Content warning: referenced medical whump, referenced IV, unsure of reality, scars, referenced offscreen deaths, PTSD, noncon haircut, permanent injury. Whump Prompt Collection We had a prompt session on the discord chat last night and went a bit over the top. “You’re burning up…” 2. calico • she/her • whump prompts, comics, and art. Miscarriage. ... #whump #fanfiction #prompts #collection #tw suidice. It winced at the bright lights. It fought as the guards brought it over to the table. It winced at the bright lights. I currently don’t have any OCs. Anonymous asked: So I’m juggling the idea of adding a refurbished pet to my WIP. Gray-ace. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Please tag me with credit if you use my prompts Red, she/her. illness/injury/torture and the like. I post a whump prompt every day, and usually post whump dialogue prompts once a week. whump prompt 101 - Whumpee feels pumped full of adrenaline and absolutely fine, but everyone keeps trying to get them to slow down, sit, and accept medical attention. It thrashed against its bindings. whump whumpy story ideas whump prompts medical whump scientist whumper test subject whumpee things I don't have time to write kidnapping rescue unlikely rescue. See the terms and definitions in the pinned post! girlsjustwannadrawwhump. Electric shock. Comments: 9 Kudos: 117 Bookmarks: 12 Hits: 3959. Whump Prompt Challenge. Whump dialogue prompts: “I know you want to be alone, but I’m not leaving until you let me patch you up. Again in roughly lighter -> darker order! 22 notes jordanstrophe (Not a medical professional so take my content with a grain of salt.) Feel free to use these prompts and suggest a spell. 047. nsfw !! More stuff! Whumpers… are meerkats. Masterlist. I can’t believe I’ve written a hundred of these things over the past few months. Soft cotton wraps around the Whumpee’s arms and hugs their torso. World of Cardboard. I haven’t seen any details regarding their numbers/barcodes. Homebrew spells are totally acceptable just be sure to include a detailed description of the spell :) CW: restraints, nonhuman whumpee, needles, dehumanization, probably medical inaccurate, paralysis, medical/ science whump, blood. 2021-05-05 02:05:15. PROMPTS ARE NOT MINE. How does your character feel about their own mortality? Prompt #33 Bandages galore. May 13, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Crazynblessed. View any Photo / Video / Audio / Quote / Link / Chat / Text of Tumblr What is whump? Source: only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are oxygen mask medical whump uncooperative whumpee forced treatment whump prompts panic scared restrained 116 notes Open in app Whump Prompts 1-100. Elemental whump; Lab/medical whump; Manhandling; I’m not too fond of pet whump or conditioning, so you won’t be finding too much of that on my blog. Whump Prompts Dialyte. The Machine - Whump Concept CW: Medical torture, intubation against will, restraints, forced sedation, ... A collection of short, stand-alone stories based on @aliceinWhumperland's Whump Word(s) of the Day and other prompts from Tumblr, and will usually be the title of the chapter . *for now on hiatus* tortureoverload. How do they handle getting sick? Sally Donavan is the first one to find him and she stays with him until the medical help gets there.” And A Doctor - “It was only when people actually saw John working as a physician that they began to understand: that it wasn’t just about bullets and IEDs and trauma care under fire. or hell even just random asks or stories or whatnot would be cool. whump prompt whump whump concept forced intubation tw medical whump restraints tw whumper whumpee denying communication tw the machine tool the mechanic Tool list tool and the machine 260 notes Dec 20th, 2020 ... medical-blood reblogged this from rainbow--memes. 049. What is whump? I dislike gore in general but especially with eyes. I didn’t think I’d be able to write so many different prompts, each distinct from one another, but it is amazing! mun yun ooc non kink Open in app; Facebook; The creature was dragged into the lab. It thrashed against its bindings. See the terms and definitions in the pinned post! @whump-my-dear-watson Mostly dead, slightly alive. Isaac’s arms ached from holding Gavin so tightly. Here are some prompts for scenarios where your characters are taking care of each other: ... caretaking caretaker medical writing prompts writing prompt prompt prompts writing creative writing whump whump prompts whump prompt story sick sickfic sickfic prompts … They just stand and stare, shaking, until Character B knocks at the door because they’ve been there a long time. tool tool and the machine whump punishment tw restraints tw medical whump is this? My sideblog for fan fiction, art, reblogs, and anything else is exhausted-sloth. butterflystarship liked this I might make some in the future, but for now, I’m just sticking with general characters and prompts. I’ll mainly be posting prompts and drabbles/short stories. Nightmares stop Tony and Peter from being able to sleep. The creature was dragged into the lab. Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Summary: It was movie night. medwhump - all sorts about medical whump, including lots of about the medical accuracy of whump in TV shows. Anonymous said: Venom Answer: Thank you, Nonnie! Start here, continued from here.. idk just in queso electrocution tw did some bare bare research for this but I've actually heard pretty good things about ECT it's supposed to be done under anesthesia but it's supposed to be quite helpful. 40 notes. Updating this one - my name is Mars, I post whump prompts, whump writing, and am working on some original stuff involving my characters in the Milo series. really great audio. Jun 11, 2020. Blood seeps through and begins to soak their bandages almost as soon as they’re on. much more medical than most of these, and less dark.GN, viewer is prone) restoring your health (all comfort, no hurt. i love belly kink (esp hunger! 10 Sickness Prompts 1. Find a Tag A. Alien Influence; Anxiety; Art; AU; Amnesia; Abandonment; Attacked enanguished resurrection — WHUMP PROMPTS/fills/writing. Specific characters: Seriously, just do an image search for meerkats and you’ll see us all. An electric shock can cause both internal and external burns.It might make your character confused or knock her unconscious. Tumbex is your access to all the tumblog, with a streamlined design and optimized navigation. medical care while in a coma (exactly what it sounds like! 30-apr-2021 - !! Do they have any allergies? Part … abuse mind break medical whump serum implied kidnapping kidnapping implied psychological whump beating implied physical whump implied whump physical whump whump scenes broken whumpee whump prompt whump scenario whumper whumpee traumatized whumpee whump prompts whump writing my prompt my writing my prompts medical trauma. ... #dialogue prompts #sentence starters #whump prompts #writing prompts #injury. Some better than others, but many with potential for some lovely lovely whump. much more medical than most of these, and less dark.GN, viewer is prone) restoring your health (all comfort, no hurt. from a video game series. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest any takers? Them finding something far more serious than the whumpee realized, and them making the whumpee get proper medical treatment immediately, already planning a lecture about getting even minor injuries properly treated, incase they’re worse than you realize. killian-whump: I’ve just made a new discovery. You can brood as much as you want to then, but I won't let you do that while you're actively bleeding.” Last update . i like whump, that is what you'll find here. 048. befuddled-calico-whump. #whump #whump prompts #whump prompt #whumpee #aramis stabs someone #whump scenario #medical whump #rescue #past whump Apr 21st 2021 10:01 65 notes The whumpee wasn’t the only one that was being held captive, they were just the only one that escaped. from a video game series. crazywhumper - has quite a lot of professional wrestling content. if anyone wants to send prompts or scenarios or anythin maybe i can get some drabblin done. Anonymous asked: alright, i’m not sure if you’re the right person to ask about this, but i want to know if you have advice. 046. my prompts; my scenes; my writing; medical whump; Posted 5 months ago. This is just a place to store some of my favorite whump tropes -- and to drop a prompt or two that may inspire great things from you! Again in roughly lighter -> darker order! Medical Inaccuracies; Nightmares; Language: English Stats: Published: 2019-07-14 Updated: 2019-07-25 Words: 5726 Chapters: 5/? The caretaker freaking out, and forcing them to sit down so they can look at the injury. How does your character feel about growing old? This is just a place to store some of my favorite whump tropes -- and to drop a prompt or two that may inspire great things from you! This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, and the prequel Vera.. AO3. ), medical kink, all kinds of whump. hurt-comfort - prompts, AUs and OTP stuff (check out #hc prompts) incorrect-whump-quotes - “That’s not what I said!” - a whumper, probably. possible triggers ahead !! If not, they will not only be forced to watch the torture but Whumpee will receive no medical help at all. What was the last medical problem your character had? whump whump prompt whump writing caretaker whumpee hypothermia whump hypothermia touch starved touch averse blanket indirect touch touch spooning cuddling blankets hugging pillow hugging soft comfort cleaning injuries medical cold cold whump tucking in fluff bridal carry sleep prompt prompts writing prompts. A strong shock, such as from a high voltage power line, can cause ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest, but if your character is immediately treated with a defibrillator, she can probably survive. Text Citation Audio Photo Video Lien Discussion. My favorite tropes is probably brainwashing / emotional whump. call me blip. #prompt list #whump prompts #whump #lab whump #experiment whump #medical whump #ask to tag #ziptalks #zipwrites #feel free to use this as an ask game! Please tag me with credit if you use my prompts Red, she/her. Brooke, 18, she/her, bisexual. Exhausted_Sloth on ao3, twitter, and Reddit. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. 110 notes. Notes: Hi! 1649. I enjoy the art of violence one might say. Blog dedicated to the whump prompt challenge. If I haven’t already got prompts planned for it, I’ll add it to my list. How crazy! medical care while in a coma (exactly what it sounds like! Character A is alone in the shower. Grid List. Gray-ace. 051. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. - “Turns out, if it’s concentrated enough, your venom becomes a hallucinogen.” Callum taps the vial; the substance inside swirls. ... No medical access. Blood, bones, tears, oh my! really great audio. This is a series. (Icon by M.Chandler, Shadow of the Templar) This is a collection for everyone participating in the whump communities prompt challenge. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? (Not a medical professional so take my content with a grain of salt.) The whump surrounds this magical time. Profile; Monthly Whump Prompt Collection. Hi! The band-aids stick to their cheek and their fingers. It fought as the guards brought it over to the table. More stuff! A simple blog dedicated to whump prompts. Posts .
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