Director of Development: Mrs C A Saint BA (Dublin), PG Dip. view all. All staff are involved in the School Use this site for specific admissions and 11 Plus exam information for Mayfield Grammar School. We hope to help you to find out how to be successful with an 11 Plus exam application to School. Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, is a selective school with Specialist Science and Languages College status. History. Please see below for our Primary Staff List. ... whole staff. Students will look at pitch, rhythm, and staff notation, as well as technique and performance in their first half term of Music at Mayfield. 5840: [email protected] . In 2019/20 the average student loan. Rated ' EXCELLENT ' ISI 2017. Of humble origins, Smith flourished through spirit, vision, and learning. DA12 2PR (if you are visiting the School using SatNav, please enter DA12 2JL) Tel: (01474) 331893. Places available in year 7 — 160. 112. 337. According to the latest statistics from BESA, there are 163 grammar schools in England with a total of around 176,000 pupils, compared to 3,448 state secondary schools. Notting Hill and Ealing High School Junior School … The school holds specialist status in sports. It was formed in 1967, when the Faversham Grammar School for Boys, the William Gibbs School for Girls and the Wreights School merged and moved into new accommodation opposite. Address — The Skinners’ School, St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9PG. Live Feed. Our kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school experience best prepares students for high school education and beyond. 115. Staff at Lytchett Minster School. Ashlawn School 11+ Preparation Advice. How you revise for the Ashlawn School 11+ exam is just as important how much you revise. It is situated in the village of Mayfield in East Sussex. Head of Sixth Form: Mr J Doy BA, PGCE. Type of school — Boys’ grammar school. In the run up to Christmas, Students will be learning to sing, and will be practising a song that they will perform at the Christmas Concert at the end of the term. Title: Mayfield Junior School Maypoll 2019-2020, Author: Mayfield Junior School , Name: Mayfield Junior School Maypoll 2019-2020, Length: 44 pages, Page: 1, … Address: Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Abbey Place, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7BQ. This is reflected in the Mayfield Model for Teaching and in the lesson planning seen during the visit. The school benefits from a loyal, stable, well qualified and experienced staff who work together as a team. Bursar: Mr R Gordon MA, MBA. Telephone: 01474 352896 ext 226. Beths Grammar School is a large multi-cultural school on the boarders between London and Kent serving a wide range of vibrant and exciting communities. [email protected] The Cambridge News website reported a suspected hoax bomb threat at Mayfield Primary school, and Emsworth Primary School in Surrey has been evacuated with staff and children moved to … How many grammar schools in UK. School 1974 List of pupils, 1937 Evacuees admission register, 1939-1945 38M85/BC/F1 89A13 Andover: Grammar School History: endowed by John Hanson in 1569. Request Parent Pay Access. Register to join 6th form. Mayfield Senior School. ‘THE SUNDAY TIMES WORLD SCHOOL OF THE DECADE’ Enjoy working at DARTFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL Roll: 1546 (630 in the sixth form) (Boys 11-18, Girls 16-18) TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS Required for September 2021 (MPS/UPS + LFA) An enthusiastic and committed teacher to teach Mathematics at a high performing school offering excellence within the state sector. Located in Pasadena, California, Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus is a K-8 Catholic coeducational private school. . (423) 623-3811 x209. News. 114. Mayfield School, previously St Leonards-Mayfield School, is an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 to 18. Maths, Psychology, PSHE, Year 10 Form Tutor. Meet The Staff 2021. Mayfield Senior School. Borden Grammar School is a selective boys grammar school with academy status situated in the centre of Sittingbourne, Kent, England, which educates students aged 11–18.Whilst the school mainly admits boys, a small number girls have been educated at the school within the Sixth Form. The School was founded in 1554. Mayfield Grammar School. Fiona Rogers. 113. Sixth Form. In the new school colours of deep blue and brick red the Enniskillen Royal Grammar School U14 tour team took to the field against a strong Dundee High School side at the historic Mayfield ground.Read more Carleton House Preparatory School, Liverpool. Grade Card Enquiries. He was determined that, like him, the young people of Portsmouth should have access to … Click below or visit our School website at to find out … 2021 Best Grammar Schools in Kent. Universal Free Breakfast is served to all students at Newport Grammar School. About Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend. Queen Mary's High School, Walsall; Fort Pitt Grammar School, Chatham; Rugby High School; Langley Park School for Girls, Beckenham; St Paul's School for Girls, Birmingham; Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls; St Bernard's High School, Westcliff-on-Sea; The Holt School, Wokingham; The Rochester Grammar School; Southfield School for Girls, Kettering Address: 6116 Wilson Mills Rd Mayfield Village, OH 44143 Phone: 440-995-6900 Fax: 440-995-6805 If no Star Rating is available, the school will be listed as Not Rated and will appear in geographical order based on the school's proximity to the centre of the search location or postcode. Mayfield Grammar School (formerly Gravesend Grammar School for Girls) is a grammar school with academy status, located off Old Road West (B261) in Gravesend, Kent, England. Lingfield College, a top independent school based in Surrey. I would love to find people who knew him. Jen Lewis. Charlton Church of England Primary School (0.2km) show on map; ... Archbishop Blanch School, Liverpool; Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend; Flixton Girls School, Manchester; Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School… Both came from Beal Modern. Students may choose three or four items from the three components for a reimbursable meal. Mr M Neylan. Terry Thompson (1941-2008) – Terry sadly passed away last weekend after a long, determined and brave fight. (626) 799-9121. Both Queen Mary’s Grammar and High Schools are also closed, as well as most, if not all, of the local authority schools in the area. Mayfield’s Reading Charter Every child at Mayfield has the opportunity to: Read for pleasure. Mayfield is a school that can take advice, possess humility, be strong and have conviction when we believe we are making decisions for the right reasons, yet also know that we are human and will constantly learn, as we all should, as we move everyday through life. Lesley Brown, executive director of education and children’s services at East Lothian Council, welcomed the new headteachers. We welcome applications to Year 12 from boys and girls whose sixteenth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August (inclusive) of the academic year in which the Sixth Form Entrance Test is sat. Tom … 336. Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls, Junior School, Borehamwood. 11 plus Grammar School Appeals – Points to Consider. DfES Number: 886 5467. Elliott school’s architecturally acclaimed buildings housed a huge assembly hall, a feature packed theatre, massive sports gym, extensive library and separate 6th form block. Nursery. Type of SEN provision: ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder; PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty; SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty. Chris Wright currently plays for Leicestershire County cricket team. It excludes auxiliary staff such as premises staff and catering staff. Having a staff number comprising 62.1 members of staff, Mayfield Grammar School, has a higher than normal staff number. Show more schools. Headteacher — Mr Edward Wesson. Email: [email protected] Website: In 1961 the new building at Mayfield commenced under the Headship of S.L.Darby and … Yvette Cooper, Labour MP since 1997 for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford; a former cabinet minister and current chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee; and wife of Labour former MP Ed Balls. There is an extensive range of courses on offer within the school. Seven were about local grammar schools. Examination Results. Math Facebook Feed. Since 1992 1.37 million people have. 25. 114. 27. Mayfield offers a long standing tradition of academic achievement with excellent results in national testing and an outstanding record of success at 11+ entrance examinations. 1962: Audrey Nicholson returned to the Mayfield Girls School after spending a year in the USA teaching English Literature at Berkley High School, California. 1965: Mayfield Boys football team won the Gibson Cup, beating Beal Grammar in an exciting final. 1970: Headmaster, Mr C. F. W. Hicks, retired and was replaced by Mr. P. E. A. Birchinell. As we prepare for Transfer 2022 we have launched a new page within our school website for reference and to keep parents informed of the process, dates and any updates as the year progresses. This is the full-time equivalent number of all school support staff (eg bursars, secretaries, IT technicians etc) with a contract of one month or longer working in the school. Address — The Skinners’ School, St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9PG. Meet the Staff - Primary. Posted on: 25/04/2019. A progressive and innovative, fully co-educational, independent day school set in 40 acres of beautiful countryside. Cost — Free. Staff Contacts. Secondary League Table for Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend This page shows the 20 nearest schools to Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, ranked by our unique School Guide Rating . Mrs Wilson, Headteacher STAFF NEWS January 2017 Mrs Sandeford was appointed in 2009 as School usiness Manager, taking her place alongside the Taught a range of subjects to all year groups 3 to 6. Its Outstanding OFSTED dates back as far as 2009, way beyond the normal span. Fax: (+44)1795 538474. 111. Introduction . Henry Prince Primary School, Mayfield Boys only until amalgamated with Andover Centre school in 1925. The Guardian Schools Guide: School indicators | Staff indicators . There are circa 1000 students on the school roll, of which 240 study in the sixth form. Go URL Staff at Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend are highly qualified and dedicated to using their expertise to swiftly engage and motivate students in their chosen courses of study. Careers. Read the latest Postscripts magazine! Dartford Grammar School comes in at ninth place. Staff and Student Testing. If you have any questions call us on 0800 772 3464 or Text us on 0777 121 2929 The Portsmouth Grammar School was founded in 1732 by William Smith: Mayor of Portsmouth and Physician to its Garrison. Essex and Southend grammar school admissions are managed by the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE). General Enquiry. Number of full-time equivalents. Seven were about local grammar schools. 27= Ursuline Preparatory School, Warley. view all. Teacher of Maths, Teacher of Psychology. The … 58 out of 140 complaints to The Office of the Schools Adjudicator for the School Year 2018-19 related to the Admission Procedures of 36 grammar schools across the country. Located in Pasadena, California, Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus is a K-8 Catholic coeducational private school. The arrows of Aragon currently displayed on the school badge are Read More © Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend. Thank you to all who continue to protect our immediate and wider community by testing and reporting twice weekly. Short, Michael. The teaching staff are supported by Administrative Staff in the main office, a Reprographics Assistant, Librarians, Finance staff, an Assessment Officer, a Cover and Examinations Officer, a Pastoral Support Manager and a team of Technicians. Students are divided into the following houses: Aragon House Aragon House represents the international ethos of the School. The second eldest of nine brothers and sisters who all attended either Mayfield boys or girls school, which covered a span from the fifties into the early seventies. Phase: Secondary. Welcome to Mayfield Preparatory School, a co-educational independent preparatory school in the West Midlands, founded in 1893 and set in extensive wooded grounds on the edge of the town of Walsall. San Clemente was founded by the Dominican Order of nuns in 1916 in a weatherboard building in Kerr Street, Mayfield. The first Headmistress of the girls school was Miss May Elizabeth Tappenden. Became John Hanson Comprehensive School 1974 List of boys admitted, 1874 Admission registers, 1902-1925 The school accepts girls at age 11 by examination and both girls and boys at age 16, based on their GCSE results. Gravesend Grammar School is a selective grammar school with academy status located in Gravesend, Kent, England.The school accepts boys at age 11 by examination accepting a cohort of the top 15-20% and boys and girls at 16, based on their GCSE results. Head of Primary. Kelly Jerrett, Deputy Head of Gault House/Admin Assistant for MFL/ICT/D&T Caroline Jewell, Lunchtime Supervisor/Cleaner Lesley Johnson, English Teacher Caroline Kelly, Head of Dance James Knightbridge, Head of Kimmeridge House/Mathematics Teacher Matt Laishley, Head of Portland House/PE Teacher Hannah Lang, History Teacher Report a Student Absence. Mayfield City Schools. TUTOR/STAFF LIST – SENIOR SECTION DISCOVERY Head of House: Jo Webb – [email protected] Ast. taken out a student loan. with local colleges and continued links with the local grammar school. 500 Bellefontaine St. Pasadena, CA 91105. Pupils in school — 1093. No tags. Senior Leadership Team Mr RJ Blyghton. The school currently has almost 1200 pupils and approximately 120 members of staff. Two leading townsmen of Walsall, George & Nicholas Hawe spent weeks in London and succeeded in bringing before the Privy Council of Queen Mary I their petition to found a school. 339. Welcome back! A Premises Manager, supported by … We specialise in boys education in the main school and have a large, co-educational 6th form. 111. DA: 23 PA: 23 MOZ Rank: 29. Mayfield Preparatory School is closed to pupils and staff on Friday 2nd March due to adverse weather conditions and health and safety concerns on the roads around Walsall. Our Year 11 students showed once again that they rise to the challenge and achieved some of the best results in the school’s history. Our academic results are excellent, our extra-curricular activities plentiful, our pastoral care exemplary - but above all else, Mayfield is a happy school. Pupils have a maximum of eight swimming lessons, with the final lesson being their assessment. Singing. Hi Ann. Members of our team use their talent, passion and expertise to improve the lives of those we serve. Maidstone Grammar School for Girls. Senior Deputy Headteacher [email protected] The school takes boys at the age of 11 and over, by examination, and male and female pupils at 16+ on their GCSE results. Adding to DHA's growing education portfolio, a resolution to grant permission for a new teaching block at Mayfield Grammar School has been secured at Kent County Council’s virtual Planning Committee on behalf of Kier Group. Combining the best of quantitative and qualitative research, we have put together the most comprehensive listing of schools based on a variety of measures, including school progress score and ofsted ratings. About Mayfield Grammar School. Parents are also welcome to contact school by phone or email to speak to a member of staff if they have any specific enquiries. Attended Eggar’s School from 1990. Highfield Priory School, Preston. The school operates a house system, with each house named after a previous headteacher. Be read aloud to. So far, we have had the following successful applicants: With a workforce of more than 200 and growing, Mayfield offers a variety of career opportunities, both in direct patient care and support operations. Rachael Brooks, BSC (Hons), PGCE. We found best 31 schools in Kent. Mayfield's Swimming Success. 8. School colleagues should report their COVID-19 lateral flow tests for staff here. My father, Peter Bristow attended Mayfield School from 1941 – 1945 (he thinks). All pupils in Years 7 and 8 are given the opportunity to have swimming lessons in the Mayfield Leisure Centre's pool. Many towns at that time were setting up schools to teach reading, writing and the classics. Headteacher — Mr Edward Wesson. Regularly undersubscribed, struggling to compete with Invicta Grammar, although the two had see-sawed in popularity in previous years. We aim for all students with SEND to reach their full potential, to be fully included in the school community and make successful transitions to adulthood. Disabilities are supported including the interventions Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, can offer to our pupils, what interventions we use and how to contact the relevant members of staff. 84,503. e) Class sizes – mainstream: All students are placed in either S or T Band. 13. 58 out of 140 complaints to The Office of the Schools Adjudicator for the School Year 2018-19 related to the Admission Procedures of 36 grammar schools across the country. Director of Studies: Mrs A R Bunce BSc, PGCE. Head of House: Carly Reid – [email protected] Alex MACEY DI1 [email protected] Karen STEDMAN DI2 [email protected] Sharon RICH DI3 [email protected]mayfield… In 1944 QM became a Voluntary Aided grammar school and entry was regulated by the new 11 plus examination. It takes its name from Catherine of Aragon, the mother of Queen Mary. Elliott School was an immense and fantastically successful secondary school in Putney, south-west London. 10. 6. 111. The list of 20, 40 or 60 schools will show schools ranked by their School Guide Star Rating first. Places available in year 7 — 160. Assistant SENCO. Own their own book. Head of Juniors. Plumstead Manor. Finally, my best wishes to all pupils, staff, parents and Governors who have supported the school throughout another very successful year and I hope you all enjoy a relaxing summer break. For any enquiries about Taster Days (especially in Geography, Computer Science, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, MFL) please contact KMT via [email protected] Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend, is a selective school with Specialist Science and Languages College status. 6. / 51.43677; 0.35948 Mayfield Grammar School (formerly Gravesend Grammar School for Girls) is a grammar school with academy status, located off Old Road West (B261) in Gravesend, Kent, England. The school accepts girls at age 11 by examination and both girls and boys at age 16, based on their GCSE results. She said: “We are delighted to confirm the appointments of Ms Hannan, Ms Moore and Mrs Rednall to Musselburgh Grammar, North Berwick High School and West Barns Primary School respectively. In 1976 San Clemente High School became the first Catholic High School in the Maitland Diocese to be staffed entirely by lay people. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School (usually known as QE or QEGS) is a selective co-educational grammar school with academy status in Faversham, Kent, southeast England. Individual complaints should be directed to the school. In the new school colours of deep blue and brick red the Enniskillen Royal Grammar School U14 tour team took to the field against a strong Dundee High School side at the historic Mayfield ground.Read more. In recent years, at School Appeals Services we have had an increasing number of parents contact us to tell us that their children have failed the relevant 11 plus exam in their area and, in their view, there were mitigating circumstances for this result. About the School. At Mayfield Brain & Spine, our associates are the backbone of the organization. more info Click to expand. Kent. Head of … 111. The Mayfield Board of Education will conduct its regular, monthly meeting May 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via a live YouTube channel Read More 2021-22 School Year Phase-In Dates, Schedules and In-Person/Remote Learning Information. England's worst secondary schools have been revealed - as official figures show more than 380 failed to meet the Government's minimum standards last year.. Snapshots From Mayfield’s History. Highsted Grammar School Highsted Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4PT Tel: 01795 424223 Fax: 01795 429375 Email: [email protected] Highsted Grammar School 1934: Mayfield Central School opened in Goodmayes Lane. Chigwell Junior School. balance was $23,307. About Mayfield We are a leading Catholic independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 to 18, set in the beautiful Sussex countryside. # PUPILS. Type of school — Boys’ grammar school. Claire Pack, AMBDA Specialist Teacher, BA [Hons], MA, National Award in Special Needs Co-ordinator, Post-Graduate Certificate in SEN Co-ordination. Our kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school experience best prepares students for high school education and beyond. Final placings (first 4 positions); Mayfield – 57 points, County High – 46 points, Loxford – 351/2 points, Beal – 42 points. Kent schools among top in the country. Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend is working with KMT to train people to teach a wide range of subjects on the School Direct Route and the core PGCE. Contact Us. 7. In the 50s the school expanded and the Sixth form grew. ... Don't go in to detail about specific staff or pupils. The Wilkie Scholarship was set up in September 2011, by Mr. Brian Wilkie, who attended Mayfield from 1960 to 1966, Mr. James Priory (Headmaster of Portsmouth Grammar School), and Mayfield School. Daniel Greaves, Bed (Hons) Assistant Headteacher/Physical … 112. COVID-19 Updates. The school was renamed "Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend" in September 2011 due to the number of boys in the sixth form which deemed the part of the name 'for Girls' as unsuitable. This action sparked much controversy within the school itself, former pupils, parents, and the local community. The Reformation Read More – Tony Gocke David Lewis, BA (Hons), PGCE. Nearby Schools. Invicta Grammar and Highworth Grammar has ranked third and fourth, behind schools in Sutton and Brent. A further 69 grammar schools are in Northern Ireland. Receive advice and recommendations from a librarian, well-read staff and peers. 115. Pupils in school — 1093. You can contact them directly at [email protected] , or by telephone on 01245 348257. The school continues to strive achieving around 100%(5 A*-C including English and Maths) at GCSE level with many students … 11. Cost — Free. [email protected] . Student results should be reported here. Deputy Headteacher. # OF SCHOOLS. Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend is an Academy Status selective girls’ school with boys in the sixth form which is situated in the town of Gravesend, Kent. The Skinners' School (0.3km) show on map; ... Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend; The Grey Coat Hospital, London; Dartford Science & Technology College; Colchester County High School for Girls; 2019; [email protected]; Fax: 01474 331 195; Tel: 01474 352 896; Contact: Pelham Rd, Gravesend, Kent DA11 0JE; Sitemap; High Visibility View; Printer view; Standard View; Websites for Schools By School … Mayfield School Wheeler Street Lozells Birmingham West Midlands B19 2EP; Head: Mr Simon Harris T 0121 523 7321; F 01214 645358; E [email protected]; W; A state special school for boys and girls aged from 3 to 19. SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY 2nd MARCH. Led intervention strategies in behaviour management and took part in intervention work for maths and English. Welcome to Plumstead Manor School. Hello, my name is Ann Reynolds nee Bristow. Hunter Valley Grammar School is an independent, non-selective, coeducational day school for students from Preschool – Year 12. I have added Peter’s name to the Boys School Pupil List for 1945 in the hope that someone from that era may remember him. The schools have one common selection test to ensure that students only sit one exam to cover all the schools on their preference form. Mayfield Grammar School (formerly Gravesend Grammar School for Girls) is a grammar school with academy status, located off Old Road West (B261) in Gravesend, Kent, England.The school accepts girls at age 11 by examination and both girls and boys at age 16, based on their GCSE results. The current headmistress is Miss Antonia Beary. They have a 95.7% rate of pupils regularly attending, which is around average. This School has a very low (pupil to teacher) ratio, which permits the teacher to give more focused attention in a smaller class size. Telephone: 0161 928 1856 Email: [email protected] Elliott School Alumni. 99% achieved a good pass (4+) in English and Mathematics, whilst nearly 90% achieved a strong pass (5+), and an excellent 42% of grades were at 7-9 level. The first Headmaster of the boys school was Mr. James Henry Hack. Founded in 1624, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, known as DCGS, is a selective grammar school for boys with a co-educational sixth form.Located in Amersham, in Buckinghamshire, the school gained academy status in 2011. A co-educational day school which welcomes Nursery, Prep, Senior and Sixth form pupils The standard cookie policy for this website is … The school holds both a Language College award and a Healthy School award. 114. School Resource Officer: 5305: [email protected]: Teachers : Kevin Adkins. Is a Foundation school so another of the small minority of secondary schools still under the aegis of Kent County Council. Swimming lessons have been a new addition to the PE curriculum at Mayfield. The school was founded by Mother Cornelia Connelly in 1872, with the oldest buildings dating from the 14th century. At breakfast, we serve three components: two grains, one fruit and/or juice, and milk. 111. 337. Choose from a wide range of books, and help decide which books are bought for our school. District: Gravesham. Find Out More. Queen Mary’s Grammar School: House System The house system was re-introduced in 2008. 111. Head of Middle School: Mrs J M Stone BSc, MSc, GTTP. Principal. Jo Buck. The Guardian Schools Guide: School indicators | Staff indicators . The school is now planning to formally request that pupils can move onto Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, in Ashbourne, at the end of Year Six. Head of Infants. Nearby Schools. As the below table shows, Kent's secondary schools have made the top 10 list, not only once but three times in total. Headteacher. Rated ‘Excellent’ ISI 2017. 339. Telephone: (+44)1795 533132. North Cestrian School where individuals thrive. 9. 113. Mayfield Memories. We will make mistakes. About the School. Where a concern is genuinely urgent, please contact the school office via telephone and a member of staff will endeavour to pass on your concern to the relevant member of teaching staff. Gravesend. Headteacher: Mrs Elaine Wilson. Head of Lower School: Mrs C Baker BSc, PGCE. Assistant Headteacher/Head of Maths.
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