joy, anger, wealth) you need to pay careful attention to the choice of intensifying adjectives. When describing physical objects, you can use a wide variety of adjectives such as large, big, tiny, minuscule, small, etc. Updated March 07, 2019. In other words, it consists of two layers of macro level namely general and industry environments. Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata. Definition of Intensification Intensification means any additions which increase or expand the area or amount of an existing use, or the level of activity. Successful systems of sustainable intensification by definition fit solutions to local needs and contexts, and so thus take account of labour availability. a risk managementstrategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. Key findings: Abundant burnt fragments difficult to quantify - … In Kenya and Tanzania, for example, female owners of raised beds for vegetable production employ local people to work on vegetable cultivation and marketing ( Muhanji et al ., 2011 ). Triangle moving company struggles to find employees, even after raising wages . This has been widely accepted (try to connect references) as definition of process intensification in chemical industry. consequences of sustainable production intensification must be fully understood, and preventative or mitigation efforts implemented when necessary and feasible. 2008, 54-55. Learn more. Hurricane Laura put on a phenomenal show of rapid intensification prior to landfall, increasing in strength by 65 mph in just 24 hours on August 26, 2020. Google Scholar 29. Over time however when other areas are appropriately zoned, the focus will shift to them also. In a context of economic globalization and intensification of international competition, enterprises have to reinforce their competitiveness by modernizing their business practices. Process Intensification (PI) is defined as improvements of a process at unit operational, functional and/or phenomena levels that can be obtained by integration of unit operations, integration of functions and phenomena’s or targeted enhancement of the phenomena for a set of target operations (Lutze et al., 2013). An intensive word, prefix, etc. How to use intensive in a sentence. We aimed to identify practices likely to deliver sustainable intensification, currently available for UK farms but not yet widely adopted. Additional benefits of process intensification include improved intrinsic safety, simpler scale-up procedures, and increased energy efficiency. Adopting a process intensification approach can substantially improve the intrinsic safety of a process by significantly reducing the inventory of potentially hazardous chemicals in the processing unit. An intensifier has no real meaning by itself and can usually be removed from the sentence. 2013, 15: 30-32. intensification ( countable and uncountable, plural intensifications ) The act or process of intensifying, or of making more intense . × Now Offering a 50% Discount When a Minimum of Five Titles in Related Subject Areas are Purchased Together … We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Definition of Intensification in the dictionary. / ɪnˌten.sɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃ ə n / the fact of becoming greater, more serious, or more extreme, or of making something do this: Home sales could be threatened by the sudden intensification of the financial … Agricultural intensification, involving the use of agricultural inputs to produce more food on a given area of land, has dramatically increased food production (Pingali, 2012). In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe fostered through free trade. The Land Intensification Allowance (LIA) aims to promote the intensification of industrial land use towards more land-efficient and higher value-added activities. Absolute. Stress Intensification Factor listed as SIF. Google Scholar 28. Intensification of function is associated with the growing complexity of organ structure and leads to a general rise in the level of life activity. The following picture makes it amply clear. It is used to create more inputs and outputs in a certain area of agriculture. Work intensification can arise because businesses are under pressure to increase their return on assets or to balance an increase in labour costs. The current use of “globality” in business studies – as a description of the current competitive state of world commerce – was not adopted until recently. Business. A boost in operations goes beyond the U.S. borders for many businesses, which makes the global expansion definition incredibly important. Process Intensification is basically a miniaturisation of process equipments and is a revolutionary approach to process and plant design & is not very old concept, hardly a decade old. Use of toxic plant species an important line of evidence used in Intensification arguments. The intensification of climate hazards across regions will bring areas hitherto unexposed to impacts into new risk territory. It therefore involves a reduction in the porosity of the working day. Work intensification can arise because businesses are under pressure to increase their return on assets or to balance an increase in labour costs. Using the simple definition of Stankiewicz and Moulijn (2000), PI is ‘Any chemical engineering development that leads to a substantially smaller, cleaner, safer, and more energy-efficient technology.’ In a speech to the CBI yesterday, the U.K.’s Business Secretary Alok Sharma calls … Beaton estimated ~400-600 seeds / m3. Expansion of these centres may be appropriate depending on strategic and local environmental considerations. If your company is in talks for international growth, we’ve pulled together a few best practices that can help you start planning a strategy.. This advanced textbook covering the fundamentals and industry applications of process intensification (PI) discusses both the theoretical and conceptual basis of the discipline. Chopra R, Sen D: Golden wheat becomes more golden: Extending SRI to wheat. To make intense or more intense: The press has intensified its scrutiny of the candidate's background. An intensifier is a word that strengthens or weakens another word (usually the word immediately to its right). In fact, this is merely one of several possible desired effects. It happens when we re-develop, expand and/or re-purpose existing areas, buildings or vacant lands. LEISA-India. In Kenya and Tanzania, for example, female owners of raised beds for vegetable production employ local people to work on vegetable cultivation and marketing (Muhanji et al., 2011). Factors 6. There is a great difference between innovation and intensification. Intensify definition is - to become intense or more intensive : grow stronger or more acute. Process Intensification. But it involves the intensification of pressure in the cylinder. Business solution. Intensive definition is - of, relating to, or marked by intensity or intensification: such as. Diversified Carry Basket: A forex trading strategy in which multiple carry trades are conducted simultaneously in order to limit risk. • For many firms, Intensification strategies are very sensible. These strategies involve trying to compete successfully only within a single industry. McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Subway are three firms that have relied heavily on concentration strategies to become dominant players. There are three concentration strategies: to make more acute; … Meaning of Intensification. There is a simple bench-test for testing the integrity of the piston seal in a double-acting cylinder. 2. Definition: Ansoff Matrix, or otherwise known as Product-Market Expansion Grid, is a strategic planning tool, developed by Igor Ansoff, to help firms chalk out strategy for product and market growth.It is a business analysis technique that is very useful in identifying growth opportunities. There are many similarities between a protectorate and living as a teenager in your parents' house. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF ACTION PLAN / ɪnˌten.sə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃ ə n / the fact of becoming greater, more serious, or more extreme, or of making something do this: Home sales could be threatened by the sudden intensification of the financial crisis last month. “the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across the world-time and across the world is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures. They are: Improved quality More efficient use of raw material Reduced energy consumption Improved product quality Greater reliability Reduced waste Easier scale-up Distributed plant Although the reduction of the cost of a production system as the primary incentive for process intensification (PI) there are other advantages. McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Subway are three firms that have relied heavily on concentration strategies to become dominant players. Successful systems of sustainable intensification by definition fit solutions to local needs and contexts, and so thus take account of labour availability. Find 363 ways to say INTENSIFICATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This took some time as it was, and still is decades later, a hassle to find out exact hydraulic ram areas. Food security is high on the global policy agenda. ing. quotations . Search pressure intensification and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. intensification proposals within zoned areas, in order to quantify the level of uptake broadly. Antonyms for intensification. There are three concentration strategies: Scope 5. Rapid intensification is a phrase commonly used in … Katrina Borissova – Founder, Little Danube. Definition of a Protectorate. Prasad A: Going against the grain: The system of rice intensification is now being adapted to wheat – with similar good results. On the other hand, Ramshaw’s definition is quite narrow, describing process intensifica-tion exclusively in terms of the reduction in plant or equipment size. Business policy is the study of the roles and responsibilities of top- level management, the significant issues affecting organizational success and the decisions affecting organization in the long-run. It is Stress Intensification Factor. Chidiebere Ogbonnaya is a Senior Lecturer at University of Sussex Business School and a co-investigator for the ESRC-funded Work, Learning … Definition of Intensification: Intensification is a strategy that encourages a thorough examination of attractive-looking regions in the search space. either developing a new product or expanding into a new market, either individually or jointly. It can challenge business models, opening up opportunities for new patentable products and process chemistry and change to just-in-time or distributed manufacture" (BHR Group, 2003). The mold needed 23,000 psi (1585 bar) to fill. Definition of Brand A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Capital intensity is the infusion of high amounts of capital in a business or production process. Process intensification aims at reducing the size of equipment by orders of magnitude. Definition; SIF: Serviço de Inspeção Federal (Portuguese: Federal Inspection Service; Brazil) SIF: Supervised Injection Facility (drug care facility) SIF: A factor in a case contributes to its causation or outcome. Process Intensification Definition Process Intensification (PI) is a topic receiving considerable attention recently. How to use intensify in a sentence. Seed shell from cycads (Macrozamia moreii) recovered from most occupation layers in all 3 cave sites. A firm adopts the expansion through diversification strategy, to prepare itself to overcome the economic downturns. ‘The policy in this area will be based on intensification and extension of the tax base.’ ‘Political globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of political interrelations across the globe.’ ‘To think that an intensification will improve things is so absurd as to defy analysis.’ Sustainable intensification is a process by which agricultural productivity is enhanced whilst also creating environmental and social benefits. With the intensification of economic integration and international cooperation, contact between academic centres has become of significant importance. Index images and define metadata. Reducing our carbon footprint by incorporating green features into development. Meaning of Business Environment 2. Climate change is causing more rapid intensification of Atlantic hurricanes Posted on 28 August 2020 by Guest Author. Once I learned about intensification ratio, I went back to the shop and calculated them for machines A and B. Kenneth Beare. Need 7. Synonyms for intensification in Free Thesaurus. Some commentators suggest there is a general tendency towards work intensification in contemporary organizations because of the growth of competition and the continual drive for higher profits. Process intensification is a change made to a process to make it work in a smaller volume for the same performance. Intensification can be promoted through official plan policies and zoning by-law provisions that permit as-of-right second units in detached, semi-detached and row houses. Intensification is required to improve the printing quality of a negative, when the exposure has been ill-timed or the subject badly lighted. Second units serve to increase densities within existing housing stock while creating opportunities for … Since Richmond is our first intensification area in the district, there is a focus on this in the plan. That definition tells us what diversification strategy is, but it doesn’t provide any valuable insight into why it’s an ideal business growth strategy for some companies or how it’s implemented. Environmental assessments and risk assessments must become essential planning tools as part of sustainable production intensification – a routine business practice. Looking for abbreviations of SIF? This article adapts this concept to fish farming using agroecological principles and the ecosystem services framework. Policy E7 lists a number of possible methods for intensifying business uses in B1c, B2 and B8 use classes, including multi-storey development, addition of smaller units or the addition of basements. There is increased competition for land, water, energy, and other inputs into food production. ; n intensification Specifically In photography, the process of thickening or rendering more opaque the chemical deposits in the film of a picture. What does Intensification mean? intensive purposes or intents and purposes? • For many firms, Intensification strategies are very sensible. An example of intensification of function is the complexity of structure and function of the lungs in terrestrial vertebrates. Concept 4. In terms of livestock production, the presence of trees and shelterbelts offers shade and shelter for livestock, which can reduce the energy requirement for keeping cool or keeping warm, which in turn reduces feed input costs and increases feed conversion rates and weight gain. These centres are identified for growth and intensification. Innovation has always been more considerable in economic theories. Components 9. Agricultural intensification is a process used to change the style of agriculture in the country. These methods are not intended to be exhaustive but are rather illustrative of how intensification is envisioned to be floorspace-led. Although intensification is a commonly used term, its meaning is not fixed. Definition: Centralization refers to that organizational structure where decision-making power is confined to the top management, and the subordinates need to follow the instructions of their seniors.Centralization of authority is essential for the small-scale … Definition of Business Environment 3. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. diversion definition: 1. a different route that is used because a road is closed: 2. the fact of something being sent…. the likely intensification of the storm Definition of the Business environment, both Internal and External with their Components. Pundits like Daniel Yergin now employ the concept of globality to speculate about the end-state of globalization, a hypothetical condition in which the process of globalization is complete or nearly so, barriers have fallen, and "a new global reality" is emerging. Please, email us to describe your idea. (noun) Pacific viewpoint, 25(1), 15-44. To increase the contrast of (a photographic image). These strategies involve trying to compete successfully only within a single industry. Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. n intensification The act of intensifying or of making intense. n intensification Specifically In photography, the process of thickening or rendering more opaque the chemical deposits in the film of a picture. Demand for food is increasing as populations grow and gain wealth to purchase more varied and resource-intensive diets. Ecological intensification is a new concept in agriculture that addresses the double challenge of maintaining a level of production sufficient to support needs of human populations and respecting the environment in order to conserve the natural world and human quality of life. Intensification is development that allows for more people to connect, work and play within the existing urban boundary. Definition: The Expansion through Diversification is followed when an organization aims at changing the business definition, i.e. Diversification strategy, as we already know, is a business growth strategy identified by a company developing new products in new markets. n intensification The act of intensifying or of making intense. Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. Learn about:- 1. Patented cavitation reactor technology for mixing, scale free heating, process intensification, mass transfer, extraction and biodiesel transesterification. And while the test procedure is safe if you understand the concept of intensification in a hydraulic cylinder - … Another intensification metric that is not dependent on TC frequency, the intensification rate of intensifying storms, exhibited significant growth between 1977 and 2013 in … In a nutshell business environment is the sum total of all the external factors beyond control of business that influence the business in a number of ways. Residential intensification--moving the focus of new residential development from peripheral farmland to existing built places--is a key element in most growth management efforts. A common understanding is that it denotes the principle of increasing or maintaining the productivity of agriculture on existing farmland while at the same time, reducing its environmental impacts. What does intensifier mean? In the area of Negligence law, the factors, or chain of causation, are important in determining whether liability ensues from a particular action done by the defendant. This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters. Capital Intensity Definition. Since interdisciplinarity is a key feature of PI, the material contained in the book reaches far beyond the classical area of chemical engineering. Get XML access to reach the best products. Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
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