The purpose of the page is to provide resources to schools to develop their own global education programs. Your well-being and resilience matter. Scholarship resources These resources will help you find scholarship funding for your U.S. education. Learn more about Participate Learning Partnerships. Specific resources and more information for faculty and staff are available via the lefthand menu. File size: 926.2KB. These resources are created or curated by California teachers for California teachers to develop the potential in every global citizen. Read more. They matter not only for you on a personal level, but for the well-being and care of your patients, families, and colleagues. Classroom resources. E-learning Resources for Global Health Researchers. RESOURCES FOR PAYING FOR SCHOOL Explore our list of websites and resources exclusively for international students looking for ways to help subsidize their overseas education. These sites have been vetted by the editors at U.S. News Global Education. During the pause to usual operations, we remain committed to supporting students and faculty. Explore these select resources to learn more about global learning in schools with a Participate Learning partnership: Case study: Social Good in the Classroom [PDF download] Comprehensive Global Programs [Video playlist] Global Citizenship Framework. Selected resources on Education about the Holocaust and genocide Global database on global citizenship education The UNESCO Clearinghouse on GCED hosted by APCEIU is a global database on GCED jointly set up by UNESCO and APCEIU to facilitate information sharing and enhance knowledge and understanding of GCED. Developing the Potential in Every Global Citizen Other Resources. The greatest need for Nazarene higher education is for the people of God to cover our institutions, students, faculty, and institutional leaders with regular prayer. Students considering study abroad often turn to faculty and advisors first. The overview of our research on global education. We operate several universities in the medical and healthcare space, as well as numerous e-training and professional development companies across financial services. We offer a huge range of free resources for developing global learning in the classroom, across the school and beyond. Record the issue or topic in the centre and note the related ideas around it. The Global Campaign for Education offers many different educational and informational resources free of charge to anyone and everyone that wants to use them as we believe that education about the issue is the first step to making sure that all children around the world have access to an education. Click on a title to open a new window to go to each of these valuable online resources. Your support of this life-changing experience could be the catalyst they need to make it happen. Resources for faculty. Today brings International Education Week 2017 to a close. StoreKnowledge Resource Center. Global Education Motivators (GEM) Resources Global Education Motivators (GEM) works to compile up-to-date information about a variety of global topics, conferences, curriculum, and the United Nations (UN). The plan identifies 4 priority strategic areas: Inclusivity and non-discrimination, Transformative education, Education in emergencies and Financing education. She launched in 2010 to share expert global education resources, and over … Family Resources. Course enhancement funds have been used for visits to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the DeYoung, and the Tech Museum in San Jose. Access the Global@Home Toolkit. Please provide Ms. Chaputian, with: A completed application form, signed by parent/gu ardian (fillable form available at bottom of this page); An original doctor ’s note on the doctor’s letterhead or stationery indicating that the student is physically fit or fit to work (physical exam must be given within 12 months prior to issuance of employment certificate) International education prepares Ohio citizens to live, work and participate in the global economy. The NCDPI Global Education Steering Committee now leads the state's efforts to ensure every public school student graduates ready to live, work, and contribute in an interconnected world. Global Education Resources features a selection of ACP publications, guidelines, programs, and other tools to help internists learn, teach, and practice internal medicine more effectively. Use lines, colours, labels and arrows to show links between ideas. Welcome to the GCCHE knowledge bank. Global Education Coalition communication resources. Many organizations offer no- and low-cost e-learning resources to those working in the field of global health research. Use a Web map (or Concept map) to assist in activities that involve planning, brainstorming, note-making, organising or problem-solving. A student’s parents and family are a critical element to their success. The Isabella Cannon Global Education Center provides expertise, support, and pedagogical resources in global education for faculty and staff. Resources. This page contains global education resources from the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio organizations and national and global entities. The GEC also serves the needs of international faculty and scholars, both visiting and full-time. We have been working with teachers in the UK for more than 50 years, giving learners the opportunity to find out about global issues, think critically about them, and act as responsible global citizens. Meet the Fellows. Global Education Resources for the Standard Course of Study (SCoS) Global Education Resources documents for every SCoS or state standards are posted on the various Google Sites for each content or subject area. The Ride To Learn program thematizes global citizenship, sustainability, and humane education through a variety of engaging and interactive multimedia teaching resources. Learn more about Global Learning Outcomes at UC Davis. The World By Cycle expedition is a bicycle circumnagivation of the world that explores the origin stories of everyday things, bringing Adventure Learning to classroom education! Global Engagement (Study Abroad and Study USA) is an enriching opportunity for your student to develop intercultural humility, agency, resourcefulness, and understanding of global systems. Global Education Teacher resources to encourage a global perspective across the curriculum. Resources useful for various programs, Global Understanding, Global Business, Global Education, Global Environment, Global Health, and WorldWise. Global Classroom Strategies 5 Ways Literature Can Teach Global Lessons in Elementary Classes, by Becky Morales (2014) . Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education: Climate & Health Key Competencies for Health Professions Students Click here to download a PDF of the key competencies.. Preamble: “Climate and health” is defined as the health impacts of climate change; while weather and climate have always influenced human health, climate change is exacerbating these impacts. Ed Abroad Faculty & Staff Resources. Morales, creator of Kid World Citizen, offers five ideas for using literature about children and families in other parts of the world to broaden the minds of U.S. elementary students.. 3 Great Films for Teaching About Globalization and Modernization, by Eileen Mattingly (2014) UNESCO has produced the various multilingual communication assets and resources below destined to be used by members of the Global Education Coalition in order to highlight and amplify their work and engagement within the Coalition. The curated list spotlights a variety of current relatable topics to the global internal medicine community, vetted by the ACP Global Engagement Committee. We provide them here with the clear understanding that adaptation to your local context is essential. Here you will find links to educational content, resources, and information on a wide variety of climate and health topics for members and health professions schools/programs to enhance their development of locally tailored climate-health educational opportunities. Share article The resources on this page are meant to inform and inspire educators and school communities as they embark on their global education journeys. Arts Education California Global Education Project provides professional learning experiences and support for K-12 educators to develop the knowledge, skills, resources, and leadership needed to foster global competence in all students. Please use the links below to go directly to the Global Education Resources document for each set of state standards. Find international standards or specifications, presentations, whitepapers on the latest innovations and historical info that allow you to gain insight from industry leaders. This webinar, offered on June 18, 2020 by the Global Education Office and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, was designed to support faculty and staff in exploring virtual exchanges, infusing online classes with intercultural content, and accessing internationalization resources. Educational Resources. Filter by region/country, resource type, format and level of education. Document type: pdf. The Educator Resources section includes information about curriculum, conferences, classroom resources, and more. We provide assistance as students navigate global options, both during your academic career and following graduation. Global learning cultivates skills, knowledge, networks and attitudes tied to three overall Global Learning Outcomes: building global awareness, embracing linguistic and cultural diversity, and acting globally. Social justice and human rights. LCO has developed a selection of educational and outreach resources which can be used by anyone interested in astronomy, space, and robotic telescopes. Explore teaching resources and materials tied to the global learning outcomes. Mukta Panda, MD, MACP, Vice-Chair, ACP Global Engagement Committee - will share important tips and tools related to physician well-being and self-care reflections. The Center for Global education assists Tulanians in the pursuit of experiential opportunities outside of the classroom and around the world. Resources include training courses, MOOCs and course materials (presentations, videos, reading lists, visual aids, articles), resource centers and resource networks. This page contains international education resources from the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio organizations and national and global entities. Enhancement Funds. Choose from 1,000+ documents -- many FREE -- to increase knowledge, help solve a problem, or support your efforts. The International Board of Education Institutions serves as an advocate for education in the Church of the Nazarene globally. The Center for Global Education offers a wealth of resources to educators, including those who teach in afterschool or out-of-school time networks, to build capacity and transform their learning environments. See University Policy regarding study abroad and other international travel. The NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship is a great way to bring new perspectives to public school classrooms, but there are many other resources out there to help you on your global journey. While the earliest forms of written communication date back to about 3,500-3,000 BCE, literacy remained for centuries a very restricted technology closely associated with the exercise of power. Resources. Global Education Resources. Global education promotes understanding of social justice and human rights and the contribution they make to peace building and conflict resolution. The author, Lillie Marshall, is 6-foot-tall National Board Certified Teacher of English from Boston who has been a public school educator since 2003. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently called on governments and donors to prioritize education for all children, including the most marginalized, and the Global Education Coalition was established to support governments in strengthening distance learning and facilitating the reopening of schools. We offer three categories of resources: educational activity plans, interactive online resources, and printable materials.
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