ft. • If soil is dry, water before application and 2 to 3 days after application. Drexel Chemical Company September 19, 2008 Submission of Revised Label by Notification per PR Notice 98-10 DREXEL IMITATOR PLUS (EPA Reg. of this product per gallon of water for each 300 sq. It contains 5.4 pounds of glyphosate per gallon in the form of diammonium salt. A Yes, you can use 2 oz per gallon for normal weeds & grass when using the Drexel Imitator Plus . Drexel Chem Various 1. per 1,000 square feet in a gallon of water. Drexel. Gordon's Brush Killer kills annual, perennial and woody weeds via foliage. 19713-526) This notification is consistent with the Provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA Regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or It's great for broad leaf weeds and can be a tool for everyone from gardeners to farmers who are constantly battling weeds among their crops. Imitator Plus (Glyphosate w/Surfactant) Herbicide, Drexel, 1 Gal. 4~55 GALLON METAL BURN BARRELS~1 END OPEN~PRICE PER BARREL $20 (Troy) ... $1,100 (cou > DREXEL) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. If you are spot treating for annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, then you can use 2 oz per gallon of water for most applications. ozs. Equal to 356 grams/ 3 pounds per US gallon of glyphosate acid. For general weed control, the dilution of 2 oz per gallon will provide 160 gallons of mixed solution. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Installs in minutes with no tools. over 4 hours. We will see how this does. Approved for … $16. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate Weed Killer 2.5 Gallon Jug . Drexel Imitator Plus has different mixing ratios for different applications so the amount of finished product that you will receive from a 2.5 gallon jug will vary. 19713-623 Application Dated April 26, 2011 Dear Ms. Chan: $47.99 . Garlon 4A 2.5 Gl Cont. ... $36.95 per ton+Delivery $0 (den > Denver Metro and All Surrounding) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Read … Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker … favorite this post May 17 Glyphosate 4lb/Imitator Plus $0 (cou > Highland,IL) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Drexel. IMITATOR PLUS Page 2 of 32 It’s a little cheaper if I order 2 X 2.5 gallons because shipping costs don’t double even though the order did, so I … 43% GLYPHOSATE WEED PREVENT 32OZ 102870 Other 43% Glyphosate Weed Prevent, 32 Oz. $17.99 - $41.99. In Stock. For effectiveness, the manufacturer delimits dilution guidelines for the user. Per Page: 24 24; 48; 72; Drexel. How much Drexel Imitator Plus per gallon of water to use on hard to kill weeds? A Drexel Imitator Plus should be mixed at 4-6 oz per gallon of water for hard to treat weeds. In Stock. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant America's Farm & Home Store I usually buy 5 gallons at a time, it's cheaper that way and with shipping it's about $90 for five gallons of the 41% concentrate. SKU 11101551. A few rain storms will wash the chemical out, and weeds will grow back fast.. A better alternative is a "Roundup" generic - Drexel Imitator Plus at $42 for 2.5 gallons. It's great for broad leaf weeds and can be a tool for everyone from gardeners to farmers who are constantly battling weeds among their crops. IMITATOR PLUS Page 1 of 27 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ... * Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredi-ent glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. These guidelines are subject to review and a Poison Control Center should be contacted in each case where treatment is likely to be necessary. Add to Cart. 10 gallon sprayer: Use 7 Grams of Telar + 3.2 oz (round to 3 oz) Syl-Tac 15 gallon sprayer: Use 10.5 Grams of Telar + 4.8 oz (round to 5 oz) Syl-Tac 20 gallon sprayer: Use 14 Grams Telar + 6.4 oz (round to 6.5 oz) Syl-Tac 25 gallon sprayer: Use .5 oz of Telar + 8 oz Syl-Tac 50 gallon sprayer: Use 1 oz of Telar + 16 oz Syl-Tac Escort Examples: Hi-Dep, 2.5 gal. Clethodim acts slowly (two to four weeks), but at low use rates (0.5% - 0.66%) clethodim will kill annual grasses and … Dual emitters continuously provides water over a 5 to 8 hour time period with no run-off. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant : Rural King Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate Weed Killer 1 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant by Drexel Chemical Company for $19.99 : Rural King Add to Cart. Msma improves control most annual grasses; see label directions section of drexel imitator plus per gallon? $74.99. 43% GLYPHOSATE WEED PREVENT 1GAL 102871 Other 43% Glyphosate … Glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt and 227 grams per liter or 1.9 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient 2,4-D, in the form of its isopropyl-amine salt. I switched to a product called Cornerstone Plus, by Winfield Soultions,It's much cheaper than Round up A lot of companies make knock off glyphos products. #102870. We will see how this does. Care should be taken to ensure that non-target vegetation is protected from drift. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant America's Farm & Home Store About $10 a gallon makes it way less than Roundup ever was.... 08-19-2010, 04:16 PM #3 BOX 13327, MEMPHIS, TN … Ships from and sold by DIY Pest Control. $47.99 . 2,4-Dichlorophenocyacetic acid, also known as 2,4-D, is often used as a herbicide. After several days, the weed foliage turns yellow, then subsequently browns and … I have been mixing 2.5 quarts (80oz) of Pro Roundup to 25 gallons of water and app 10oz of dawn dish soap. to see pricing & availability. 0 compatible handheld and backpack sprayers, protective gear available through rural king. Contains petroleum distillates. Amine 400 2,4-d Weed Killer Concentrate, 2.5-Gal. Delivery date: 3-5 days $0 ... $36.95 per ton+Delivery $0 (Denver Metro and All Surrounding) ... Drexel Imitator Plus herbicide $20 (CASTLE ROCK) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. The user must dilute the product according to the type of weed treated. PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT . I want something that will last about 3 months, so that I only have to spray a couple times per year. One gallon of 41% glyphosate will go a long way, I usually mix 2.5 oz per gallon of water (this is just under 2% and works great even on hard to kill weeds). of glyphosate salt and 3 lbs. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. FIRE ANT BIFEN 1 GALLON 111977 Other Fire Ant Bifen 1 Gallon #111977. ft. • If soil is dry, water before application and 2 to 3 days after application. Use for lawn or garden replacement, on patios, walkways, or in and around fences and gardens to remove unwanted grass and weeds. ... 4-D AMINE WEED KILLER 1 GAL 51550A Other 2, 4-D Amine Weed Killer, 1-Gallon, Concentrate #51550A. 19713-586 Net Content: EPA Est. ... Stop spending a fortune on top name brand weed controls and invest in a quality weed control like Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate with 15% Surfactant for a productive, profitable growing season. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant : Rural King Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate Weed Killer 1 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant by Drexel Chemical Company for $19.99 : Rural King Brown color and low profile blends with existing landscape and reduces visibility while in use. Will drexel imitator plus herbicide mixing herbicides but before weed. Roundup Pro 50 2 Concentrate 2 5 Gallon ... How Many Ounces Of Roundup Per Gallon Water Reviews Pro Herbicide Https Images Homedepot Static Com Catalog Pdfimages Fa Fa566d5f 2b13 4b20 Bb1d Be31a6a79e47 Pdf Drexel Imitator Plus Generic Equivalent To Roundup Glyphosate 2 5 to see pricing & availability. Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer, 41-Percent Glyphosate, 32-Ounce. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate Weed Killer 2.5 Gallon Jug . FOR IMITATOR PULL N’ SPRAY ... Drexel Chemical Company P.O. 435 Oil 98.8. Garlon 4A 2.5 Gl Cont. Imitator Plus (Drexel), 1 gal. I switched to a product called Cornerstone Plus, by Winfield Soultions,It's much cheaper than Round up A lot of companies make knock off glyphos products. Garlon 3A, 2.5 gal. This item Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 1 Gallon Jug w/ 15 Surfactant. BOX 13327, MEMPHIS, TN 38113-0327 S I N C E 1 9 7 2 ... • Use 6 fl. Bullzeye 2.5 gal. Pathfinder II, 2.5 gal. (9.46 L) FIRST AID Me-Too-Lachlor contains eight pounds of active metolachlor per gallon, making it an excellent option for broad-spectrum weed control. DANGER / … For general weed control , Drexel Imitator Plus is mixed at the rate of 2 oz. per gallon of water, so for a 25 gallon tank, you would need 50 oz ., or about 6 ¼ cups . Please see the product label for complete application instructions . After several days, the weed foliage turns yellow, then … Location: Kansas. liter) and 32.92% 2,4-D acid equivalent (a.e.) 275 Gallon Water Tanks $125 (Loveland/Delivery) ... Drexel Imitator Plus herbicide $25 (den > CASTLE ROCK) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Equivalent to 356 grams ... Drexel Chemical Company P.O. 2-in-1 boom up to farm supplies handheld sprayer utv sprayer gallons gallon country way made usa? bicarbonate plus 40 mmol potassium i.v. He runs a big JD sprayer, 80 ft boom. ... 41% IMITATOR PLUS GLYPHOSATE 1GL 50281A Other Drexel® 41% Imitator Plus Glyphosate, 1-Gallon #50281A. $219.99. $54.99 . He suggested bumping it up to 48 oz per. Fimco 60 Gal Pull Type Lawn Sprayer. Imitator® Plus is a non-selective, systemic herbicide formulated to control annual and perennial weeds, woody brushes and trees in a variety of crop uses $26,000. IMITATOR PLUS Page 2 of 32 favorite this post May 17 Glyphosate 4lb/Imitator Plus $0 (cou > Highland,IL) pic hide … Rural King - Valid from 02/28 until 03/13/2021 tordon drexel imitator plus caution not available in alabama rm43 glyphosate total vegetation control 41% glyphosate 2,4-d amine rm43 43x glyphosate vegetation total den roundup pro concentrate gallons mit plus gallon … Just place, fill, … EPA Reg. It’s a little cheaper if I order 2 X 2.5 gallons because shipping costs don’t double even though the order did, so I … Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate Weed Killer 2.5 Gallon Jug . Labeled for Ornamental and Turf Uses. ... 41% IMITATOR PLUS GLYPHOSATE 1GL 50281A Other Drexel® 41% Imitator Plus Glyphosate, 1-Gallon #50281A. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. or 3.07 pounds per gallon (368 grams per liter). 43% GLYPHOSATE WEED PREVENT 1GAL 102871 Other 43% Glyphosate … IMITATOR DA Page 2 of 22. Equivalent to 108 grams per liter or 0.9 pound per U.S. gallon of the acid, Glyphosate and 182 grams per liter or 1.5 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, 2,4-D. Drexel Imitator Plus concentrate has a 3-5 year shelf life when kept in a climate controlled area. Once mixed with water the solution needs to be used within 24 hours. The mixed solutions will start to lose effectiveness after that 24 hour period. Was this answer helpful to you? (12 tbsps.) diammonium salt. Mixers, Loaders, Other Handlers and Applicators, when handling this concentrated product or its application solutions of 30 percent concentration or greater, must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. #102870. Installs in minutes with no tools. AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS. Drexel Imitator Plus Herbicide. Get to the root and kill grass and weeds with Compare-N-Save 41% Glyphosate Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer. Axss Glyphosate Plus (ND only) Axss USA, LLC ipa Full Buccaneer Tenkoz ipa Partial ... Honcho Plus Monsanto ipa Full Imitator Plus Drexel Chemical Company ipa Full ... 3.0 pounds acid equivalent per gallon [lb ae/gal] (4.0 lb ai/gal) formulations Fimco Quick Release 15 Gallon Economy ATV Boom Sprayer. Back to Top * Free shipping on orders over $99 for Select Items only. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant America's Farm & Home Store I usually buy 5 gallons at a time, it's cheaper that way and with shipping it's about $90 for five gallons of the 41% concentrate. ... Imitator ® Plus Herbicide 41% Glyphosate Concentrate with We want to be able to show you accurate inventory and pricing information so you can find the products you are looking for at a location nearby. Mixers, Loaders, Other Handlers and Applicators, when handling this concentrated product or its application solutions of 30 percent concentration or greater, must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. ... Imitator Plus Herbicide 1 gal. I want something that will last about 3 months, so that I only have to spray a couple times per year. All brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. SKU 11101643. Review (mpn: 10000938 for sale) 10000938 Drexel Imitator Glyphosate Weed Killer 2.5 Gallon Jug 15 Surfactant TURF TECH 753182638065. liter) and 32.92% 2,4-D acid equivalent (a.e.) 48.78 glNB 46.69/gal $ 83.30 / GA Triclopyr 4 EC Garlon Ultra Glyphos Aquatic 2.5 Gl Cont. Was this answer helpful to you? Imitator Plus (Drexel), 1 gal. = 4 x 1 Gal. Gordon's Acreage Pro Large Property Lawn Weed Killer, 1 gal. (12 tbsps.) How many ounces of Drexel Imitator Plus should I use per gallon of water for complete kill? Shelf Life: Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. 5 gallons will spray about 20 acres at the rate I mix it. farm supplies 41% glyphosate 41% glyphosate roundup promax gallons per gallon drexel imitator plus foundup prola caution roundup generic equivalent to made remedy ultra herbicide ready-to-use pramitol 25e herbicide gallon quart erdon pramitol barrier 25e - ware 2,4-d amine not available in alabama 2,4-d lv4 weed killer grazon next hl lawn weed killer gallons trimec de-ester lv4 lawn weer? Mixers, Loaders, Other Handlers and Applicators, when handling this concentrated product or its application solutions of 30 percent concentration or greater, must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. Instructions for Mixing Glyphosate 41. Brown color and low profile blends with existing landscape and reduces visibility while in use. Imitator Plus is a non-selective, post-emergent, systemic herbicide that provides broad-spectrum control of … PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT . Repeat when mixing instructions on certain weeds plus some broadleaf weeds, imitator plus is drexel drexel chemical. Imitator Plus (Glyphosate w/Surfactant) Herbicide, 1 Gal. Select a store. 10 gallon sprayer: Use 7 Grams of Telar + 3.2 oz (round to 3 oz) Syl-Tac 15 gallon sprayer: Use 10.5 Grams of Telar + 4.8 oz (round to 5 oz) Syl-Tac 20 gallon sprayer: Use 14 Grams Telar + 6.4 oz (round to 6.5 oz) Syl-Tac 25 gallon sprayer: Use .5 oz of Telar + 8 oz Syl-Tac 50 gallon sprayer: Use 1 oz of Telar + 16 oz Syl-Tac Escort Examples: farm supplies 41% glyphosate 41% glyphosate roundup promax gallons per gallon drexel imitator plus foundup prola caution roundup generic equivalent to made remedy ultra herbicide ready-to-use pramitol 25e herbicide gallon quart erdon pramitol barrier 25e - ware 2,4-d amine not available in alabama 2,4-d lv4 weed killer grazon next hl lawn weed killer gallons trimec de-ester lv4 lawn weer? IMITATOR PLUS Page 1 of 32 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ... *Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN $0. Equivalent to 28.3% or 3 pounds of the acid Glyphosate per gallon of the product. Glyphosate Plus 41% Glyphosate may be used in any area of vegetation. Contains petroleum distillates. Sold Individually, Case Qty. DANGER / … favorite this post May 24 IMITATOR DA Page 2 of 22. Imitator® Plus is a non-selective, systemic herbicide formulated to control annual and perennial weeds, woody brushes and trees in a variety of crop uses. ... $36.95 per ton+Delivery $0 (den > Denver Metro and All Surrounding) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Equiva- ... 19713-526_Drexel Imitator Plus_10201302_42.pdf. Gordon's Barrier Year-Long Vegetation Killer Concentrate - 2.5 gal. We want to be able to show you accurate inventory and pricing information so you can find the products you are looking for at a location nearby. $47.99 . $43.99. Equivalent to 108 grams per liter or 0.9 pound per U.S. gallon of the acid, Glyphosate and 182 grams per liter or 1.5 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, 2,4-D. Duplicator 6 Duplicator 6 is a highly concentrated glyphosate herbicide formulated for superior performance and tank-mix compatibility. Equiva- ... 19713-526_Drexel Imitator Plus_10201302_42.pdf. FMC Corporation ... Products per Page. Duplicator 6 Duplicator 6 is a highly concentrated glyphosate herbicide formulated for superior performance and tank-mix compatibility. For small spot treatments use between 0.72 to 1.1 fl. **Isomer specific by AOAC method 978.05, 15th Edition. ... Stop spending a fortune on top name brand weed controls and invest in a quality weed control like Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate with 15% Surfactant for a productive, profitable growing season. Shelf Life: 2,4-D Amine Selective Weed Killer will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Add to Cart. farm supplies 41% glyphosate 41% glyphosate roundup promax gallons per gallon drexel imitator plus foundup prola caution roundup generic equivalent to made remedy ultra herbicide ready-to-use pramitol 25e herbicide gallon quart erdon pramitol barrier 25e - ware 2,4-d amine not available in alabama 2,4-d lv4 weed killer grazon next hl lawn weed killer gallons trimec de-ester lv4 lawn weer? of glyphosate salt and 3 lbs. 43% GLYPHOSATE WEED PREVENT 32OZ 102870 Other 43% Glyphosate Weed Prevent, 32 Oz. A few rain storms will wash the chemical out, and weeds will grow back fast.. A better alternative is a "Roundup" generic - Drexel Imitator Plus at $42 for 2.5 gallons. Garlon 4, 2.5 gal. FOR IMITATOR PULL ’N SPRAY ... Drexel Chemical Company P.O. 4~55 GALLON METAL BURN BARRELS~1 END OPEN~PRICE PER BARREL $20 (Troy) ... $1,100 (cou > DREXEL) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredi ent glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. Cutrine Plus, 1 gal. IMITATOR PLUS Page 1 of 32 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ... *Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. For more specific application rates please refer to the label. Compare-N-Save 016869 Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer, 41-Percent Glyphosate, 1-Gallon , White. For grasses I use a quart of 41% roundup per acre. Store Pramitol 25E … 41% IMITATOR PLUS GLYPHOSATE 1GL 50281A Other Drexel® 41% Imitator Plus Glyphosate, 1-Gallon #50281A. Registered for use in a wide range of Crops, Rangeland, Orchards and Non-crop sites. Features and Benefits. 100.0% * Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient Glyphosate in the form of its isopropylamine salt. PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT . Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 1,319 Location upstate South Carolina, Greenville Tractor Kubota M6800, Massey Ferguson 240 Select a store. Ruralking.com DA: 17 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 79. It has been a good helper!”. Windows of 48 and 96 hours with concentrations from 1.3 to 1000 mg per liter exist before glyphosate affects fish, such as freshwater trout and channel catfish. While they both contain 3 pounds per gallon of Glyphosate acid, Imitator® DA’s is in the Diammonium salt (DA) form, compared to 41% Glyphosate products in the Isopropylamine salt (IPA) form. BOX 13327, MEMPHIS, TN 38113-0327 S I N C E 1 9 7 2 ... • Use 6 fl. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant America's Farm & Home Store About $10 a gallon makes it way less than Roundup ever was.... 08-19-2010, 04:16 PM #3 4 GAL PROFESSIONAL BACKPACK 90912 Solo Pro Backpack Sprayer, 4 Gallon #90912. Drexel Imitator Plus Herbicide. 41% gly, 15% surfactant. IMITATOR PLUS Page 1 of 40 GROUP 9 HERBICIDE Imitator® Plus Herbicide 41% Glyphosate Concentrate with Full Surfactant Load. **This product contains 1 pound of Dicamba acid per gallon (120 grams per . bicarbonate plus 40 mmol potassium i.v. Drexel Imitator Plus Glyphosate 2.5 Gallon Jug w/ 15% Surfactant America's Farm & Home Store I usually buy 5 gallons at a time, it's cheaper that way and with shipping it's about $90 for five gallons of the 41% concentrate. If exposed to it in small portions, 2,4-D isn't toxic to people or pets. Features and Benefits. Please see our Shipping Information page for details. He told me to use 2 oz per gal of water for good kill in plots. of this product per gallon of water for each 300 sq. Registered for use in Cereal grains, Corn, Fruit, Rice, Sorghum, Soybeans, Sugarcane, Vegetable crops and Non-crop applications. SKU 11101643. Imitator Plus Herbicide Functions and Benefits: 41% glyphosate — 4 lbs. Store Pramitol 25E … SKU 11101551. Drexel Chemical Company (901) 774-4370 www.drexchem.com. Gordon's Triple 10 Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 gal. Shelf Life: Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Fimco Quick Release 25 Gallon 3.8 GPM ATV Boom Sprayer. $1,400. Mixers, Loaders, Other Handlers and Applicators, when handling this concentrated product or its application solutions of 30 percent concentration or greater, must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks and shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 16oz, 1 Pint. I have been mixing 2.5 quarts (80oz) of Pro Roundup to 25 gallons of water and app 10oz of dawn dish soap. Select a store. favorite this post May 24 Cutrine Plus, 1 gal. Per Page: 24 24; 48; 72; Drexel. Pathfinder II, 2.5 gal. ozs. 275 Gallon Water Tanks $125 (Loveland/Delivery) ... Drexel Imitator Plus herbicide $25 (den > CASTLE ROCK) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Submission Date: Febi:uary 15, 20Tl-~: The labeling refern:;d to above, submitted in connection with registration under theFeder~1 Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is … Windows of 48 and 96 hours with concentrations from 1.3 to 1000 mg per liter exist before glyphosate affects fish, such as freshwater trout and channel catfish. $54.99 . $0 ... $36.95 per ton+Delivery $0 (Denver Metro and All Surrounding) ... Drexel Imitator Plus herbicide $20 (CASTLE ROCK) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Ruralking.com DA: 17 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 85. ... Drexel 2-4C Amine 2.5 Gallon weed Killer. Ruralking.com DA: 17 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 85. Imitator Plus 2.5 Gallon Herbicide . to see pricing & availability. Amine 400 2,4-d Weed Killer Concentrate, 2.5-Gal. Asked a farmer friend this yesterday. For effectiveness, the manufacturer delimits dilution guidelines for the user. Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 1,319 Location upstate South Carolina, Greenville Tractor Kubota M6800, Massey Ferguson 240 For more specific application rates please refer to the label. Eaton Brothers Corp 2. Imitator Plus 2.5 Gallon Herbicide . Excellent activity on many species of … Hi-Dep, 2.5 gal. $84.99. No. Msma improves control most annual grasses; see label directions section of drexel imitator plus per gallon? Drexel Imitator Plus EPA Registration Nci.J97n-526-. Just place, … $1,299.99. Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker … Back to Top * Free shipping on orders over $99 for Select Items only. over 4 hours. 55 Gallon Barrels | Plastic and Metal | Food Grade and Non | Call Now! Ruralking.com DA: 17 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 79. Axss Glyphosate Plus (ND only) Axss USA, LLC ipa Full Buccaneer Tenkoz ipa Partial ... Honcho Plus Monsanto ipa Full Imitator Plus Drexel Chemical Company ipa Full ... 3.0 pounds acid equivalent per gallon [lb ae/gal] (4.0 lb ai/gal) formulations That's about 50% stronger than what he uses. IMITATOR PLUS Page 1 of 32 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ... *Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. Gordon's Brush Killer kills annual, perennial and woody weeds via foliage. 19713-TN-3 2.5 Gals. Valid from 02/28/2021. Equal to 356 grams/ 3 pounds per US gallon of glyphosate acid. Requires filling just 1 to 2 times per week. No. FMC Corporation ... Products per Page. Please let us know if you need anything else. ... Chapin 25-Gallon Mixes On Exit ATV Rack Mount Spot Sprayer. Amine 400 2,4-d Weed Killer Concentrate, 2.5-Gal. Equivalent to 356 grams per liter or 3 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, Glyphosate. The price is good at … Milestone-quart, 2.5 gal. Bullzeye 2.5 gal. Per Page: 24 24; 48; 72; Drexel. No Bid $47.79 89.50/gl No Bid 49.22/Gallon $95.50/gal. oz. **This product contains 1 pound of Dicamba acid per gallon (120 grams per . $1,400. Milestone-quart, 2.5 gal. Premium 2,4-D Ester formulation that provides selective control of a spectrum of broadleaf weeds and brushes. 2,4-Dichlorophenocyacetic acid, also known as 2,4-D, is often used as a herbicide. Select a store. Requires filling just 1 to 2 times per week. For small spot treatments use between 0.72 to 1.1 fl. Excellent activity in Glyphosate-resistant weeds. In doing this, we get better control over tough weeds like marestail, morning glory and pigweed. Will drexel imitator plus herbicide mixing herbicides but before weed. I'll be doing 48-50 oz in 25 gal water per … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Glyphosate 4 + Plus Herbicide - 41% Glyphosate with Surfactant - 2.5 Gallon Credit 41 Extra at Amazon.com. Drexel Chemical Company PO Box 13327 Memphis, TN 38113-0327 Subject: Label Amendment – Addition of Sublabel for Weed and Grass Control ... *Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient glyphosate in the form of its isopropylamine salt. 55 Gallon Barrels | Plastic and Metal | Food Grade and Non | Call Now! 41% IMITATOR PLUS GLYPHOSATE 1GL 50281A Other Drexel® 41% Imitator Plus Glyphosate, 1-Gallon #50281A. $54.99 . $16. This item: Drexel MSMA 6 Plus HERBICIDE (2.5 Gallon JUG) $113.94. Garlon 3A, 2.5 gal. Rural King - Valid from 02/28 until 03/13/2021 tordon drexel imitator plus caution not available in alabama rm43 glyphosate total vegetation control 41% glyphosate 2,4-d amine rm43 43x glyphosate vegetation total den roundup pro concentrate gallons mit plus gallon … I usually buy from Rural King and I can get 2.5 gallons of Drexel Imitator Plus or Agristar brands for $49.95 shipped to my door. Drexel Chemical Company (901) 774-4370 www.drexchem.com. “We use and recommend, to our customers, mixing ½ pint per acre of Drexel’s BeanOil® with Imitator® Plus glyphosate. If exposed to it in small portions, 2,4-D isn't toxic to people or pets. 48.78 glNB 46.69/gal $ 83.30 / GA Triclopyr 4 EC Garlon Ultra Glyphos Aquatic 2.5 Gl Cont. **Isomer specific by AOAC method 978.05, 15th Edition. Eaton Brothers Corp 2. 2-in-1 boom up to farm supplies handheld sprayer utv sprayer gallons gallon country way made usa? The price is … The user must dilute the product according to the type of weed treated. Add to Cart. Dual emitters continuously provides water over a 5 to 8 hour time period with no run-off. oz. Drexel Chem Various 1. AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS. In this article we’re going to cover a wide range of products that can be considered the best weed killer for lawns — also known as herbicides.In a perfect world you’d just place a sign on your lawn telling weeds to stay out and they’d obey you but as you know, this is the real world and weeds have a mind of their own. Crop: N/A. For grasses I use a quart of 41% roundup per acre. Drexel Chemical makes "imitator" which is just like roundup, and "imitator plus" which is a … A How much Drexel Imitator Plus you apply will depend on the size area you are treating and the target plants. Do not apply directly to water, areas where surface water is present or intertidal lower than high mark. Glyphosate (Drexel Imitator Plus or the water-safe CattPlex) and the grass specific herbicide clethodim (Clethodim 2EC) are available locally at Rural King. $0. For general application mix Glyphosate 4+ at a rate of 2 ounces per gallon of water and treat unwanted vegetation. Contains 4 pounds of 2,4-D. Back to Top * … Children should be given 1 ml/kg of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate plus 20 mmol potassium diluted in 500 ml dextrose saline infused at 2 to 3 ml/kg/ hour. FIRE ANT BIFEN 1 GALLON 111977 Other Fire Ant Bifen 1 Gallon #111977. Box 13327 Memphis, TN 38113-0327 OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Subject: Notification per PR Notice 98-10 (alternate brand name) Drexel Imitator 53.8% Herbicide EPA Reg. Ace Roto-Mold Horizontal Leg Tank - 65 Gal. Equiva- ... 19713-526_Drexel Imitator Plus_10201302_42.pdf. Drexel Chemical Company P.O. Mixing. Add to Cart. Glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt and 227 grams per liter or 1.9 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient 2,4-D, in the form of its isopropyl - amine salt. It contains 5.4 pounds of glyphosate per gallon in the form of diammonium salt. Please see our Shipping Information page for details. Liquid Harvest 118 Lazer Blue Concentrated Spray Pattern Indicator, Gallon, Blue, 1 $45.99. Roundup Pro 50 2 Concentrate 2 5 Gallon ... How Many Ounces Of Roundup Per Gallon Water Reviews Pro Herbicide Https Images Homedepot Static Com Catalog Pdfimages Fa Fa566d5f 2b13 4b20 Bb1d Be31a6a79e47 Pdf Drexel Imitator Plus Generic Equivalent To Roundup Glyphosate 2 5 of glyphosate acid per gallon; For use with many cropping systems, farmsteads and conservation reserve programs (CRP) Formulated in the USA at Drexel’s Memphis, TN facility
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