Let’s start with the language of Acadiana. A creole is a language that comes from a simplified version of another language, or the mix of two or more languages. This is the main category of the Antillean Creole language . Who are the Louisiana Creole? ... Creole - of or relating to a language that arises from contact between two other languages and has features of both; "Creole grammars" 2. Definition. The following is a list of the reference codes assigned to these works in this dictionary, followed by the names of the authors, the titles in italics, and the year of publication: Creole language. works of Creole literature (novels, plays, poetry, religious writings, etc.). A language, like a people, can be marginalized — by which I mean, it can be treated as insignificant or even unworthy of being called a language, or of scholarly interest. a community of speakers claims it as their first language. About This Quiz & Worksheet. 1. These linguistic features play a different role in Jamaican Creole … I am mersed in the design of the hand of the. The sum total of knowledge, attitudes, and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by the member of a society. Phonology is the sound system of a language. creole language Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia. Creole (orig. Information and translations of Creole in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. works of Creole literature (novels, plays, poetry, religious writings, etc.). a person born in Louisiana but of usually French ancestry. ole | \ ˈkrē-ˌōl. As Quora User says below, Tok Pisin, or as it was formally known, Neo-Melanesian Pidgin English, is widely used throughout New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The word pidgin derives from a mispronunciation of the English word business. This happens when people speaking two different languages have to work together, usually in some form of trade relation or administrative routine. Definitions of creole - OneLook Dictionary Search. April 7, 2013. noun. The commonly accepted definition today is for the community whose members … Creole synonyms, Creole pronunciation, Creole translation, English dictionary definition of Creole. [uncountable, countable] a language formed when a mixture of a European language with a local language (especially an African language spoken by slaves in the West Indies) is spoken as a first language. 2. By. Creole language and culture “contaminate” the canonical Western genre, the novel. The definition of Creole is something relating to Creoles, the people of French descent who live in Louisiana or people who live in the Gulf states and the Caribbean who are descendants of Spaniards, Portuguese and Blacks. Language. "Whether it is a language or a dialect, Caribbean English Creole coexists with standard English in the Caribbean and in the English-speaking countries where Caribbean immigrants and their children and grandchildren live. A creole language, or simply creole, is a stable natural language that develops from the simplifying and mixing of different languages within a fairly brief period of time: often, a pidgin transitioned into a full-fledged language. See more. The view of language use proposed here derives from the authors' extensive fieldwork in the Creole-speaking Caribbean and among West Indian communities in London, and is forcefully illustrated by the data they present, which include recorded conversations and stories. The Creole language is any unique language that is born of a union of two or more functionally distinct languages. Esperanto. 3. Definition of Creole in the Definitions.net dictionary. Although English is the official language of Dominica, much of the population also speaks Kwéyòl (Creole) – a French-based patois. creole. n. 1 a language that has its origin in extended contact between two language communities, one of which is generally European. Haitian Creole (/ ˈ h eɪ ʃ ən ˈ k r iː oʊ l /; Haitian Creole: kreyòl ayisyen; French: créole haïtien), commonly referred to as simply Creole, is a French-based creole language spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide, and is one of the two official languages of Haiti, where it is the native language of a majority of the population. CAPE'S Characteristics of English Creole Languages - PART 2 (PHONOLOGY) 1. Creole languages include varieties that are based on French, such as Haitian Creole, Louisiana Creole, and Mauritian Creole; English, such as Gullah (on the Sea Islands of the southeastern United States), Jamaican Creole, Guyanese Creole, and Hawaiian Creole; and Portuguese, such as Papiamentu (in Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao) and Cape Verdean; and ... 2. (Linguistics) linguistics (of a pidgin language) the process of becoming a creole 2. 1. the main linguistic inputs to creole formation, 2. the linguistic processes and mechanisms involved in creole formation, 3. the nature of the linguistic outcome of creole formation. Culture. creole language (krēōl`), any language that began as a pidgin pidgin, a lingua franca that is not the mother tongue of anyone using it and that has a simplified grammar and a restricted, often polyglot vocabulary. a very unique language that is combination of a variety of different tongues. Gullah is an language that is uniquely and soley spoken in the pennisula of charleston s.c. Information and translations of gullah in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. There is not a widely accepted theory that explains why this happens. Haitian Creole, also known as Krey ò l, is a member of the French-based creole language groups with a considerable part of its lexicon coming directly from seventeenth-century French.Its grammar differs from French, however, and reflects closely the West African languages, such as Ewe, Fon, Yoruba, and Ibo. A creole is a pidgin with native speakers, or one that’s been passed down to a second generation of speakers who will formalize it and fortify the bridge into a robust structure with a fully developed grammar and syntax. Haitian Creole has no descendants or varieties listed in Wiktionary's language data modules. n. 1. A creole is a language that has developed from a mixture of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place. regional dialect. a community of speakers claims it as their first language. CREOLE. +. Compare → pidgin. A guide to Kreyol the language of Haiti, dictionary and other resources for learning Haitian Creole. CREOLE; A creole, by contrast, is a natural language developed from a mixture of different languages, like Haitian Creole, which is based on 18th-century French but absorbed elements of Portuguese, Spanish and West African languages. "Creole," as a term, is a bit more complicated than "Cajun," in that it has multiple definitions. Unlike a pidgin, a simplified form that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups, a creole language is a complete language, used in a community and acquired by children as their native language. Creole Languages. It is spoken in the Caribbean, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique. In Haiti, people speak a creole that's mostly based on French. Nice work! Her statements were aired in creole via various local radio stations. What does Creole mean? Grammar is the correct use of the language. Meaning of Creole. It incorporates features from each and constitutes the mother tongue of a community. Definition of Creole (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a person of European descent born especially in the West Indies or Spanish America. Most are Cajun-derived terms based on traditional French and some are just plain unexplainable. Hawai‘i Creole speakers have mixed feelings about the creole. CARIBBEAN ENGLISH CREOLE, also Caribbean Creole English, Caribbean Creole, Creole English, West Indian Creole, Creole. Most of the population speak a creole with a French-derived vocabulary. ... What does creole mean in this case? English creoles are spoken by some of the people in Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, and parts of Georgia and South Carolina. Creolistics is the term used for Creole studies. Learn more. "Creolization": History of Creole Definition: A language that results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated. There is not a widely accepted theory that explains why this happens. What are the components of language? Though both French and Haitian Creole are the official languages of Haiti, Haitian Creole is the only language that all Haitians hold in common with one another. The differences between French and Haitian Creole center mostly around the grammar of both languages. Jamaican Patois (/ ˈ p æ t w ɑː /), known locally as Patois, Patwa, and Patwah and called Jamaican Creole by linguists, is an English-based creole language with West African influences (a majority of non-English loan words are of Akan origin) spoken primarily in Jamaica and among the Jamaican diaspora; it is spoken by the majority of Jamaicans as a native language. Hawai‘i Creole has often been denigrated as a sub-standard form of English. Now up your study game with Learn mode. In other circumstances, languages have been deliberately created to facilitate communication with outsiders. Cameroonian Pidgin English, or Cameroonian Creole (Cameroon Pidgin: Wes Cos, from West Coast), is a language variety of Cameroon.It is also known as Kamtok (from 'Cameroon-talk'). Hawai‘i Creole speakers have mixed feelings about the creole. Definitions. CREOLE: "Creole dialect is heavily used in the New Orleans region and outlying areas of Louisiana." Li Bib la an Kreyòl, Fransè, ak Anglè -- Read the Bible in English, French, and Haitian Creole -- Lisez la Bible en Francais, Creole, et Anglais! In this presentation some phonological considerations will be considered as basic differences of American English and Jamaican-Caribbean English Creoles, in terms of word (sound) grouping, proximity of sounds and omissions of initial /h/ sounds as well as final consonant sounds /s, r, and t/. Definition 1. the outcome of contact among Europeans and West Africans in the course of European expansionism, the slave trade, and the colonization of the New World. 2 : a white person … A whole lot of multiple definitions, actually. There are a wide range of terms describing languages, including a creole language, and this quiz will determine your familiarity with these terms. A creole is the combination of one or more languages into a new, stable language. believed to arise when a pidgin, developed by adults for use as a second language, becomes the native and primary language of their children — a process known as nativization creole meaning: 1. a language that has developed from a mixture of languages: 2. an American or Caribbean language…. CREOLE LANGUAGE 'CREOLE LANGUAGE' is a 14 letter phrase starting with C and ending with E Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CREOLE LANGUAGE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word creole language will help you to finish your crossword today. Since there are now native English speakers across the planet, it would mean that English is the most common creole tongue. No consensus exists among creolists as to whether the nature of creoleness is prototypical or merely evidence indicative of a set of recognizable phenomena seen in association with little inherent unity and no underlying single cause. franglais. Hawai‘i Creole has often been denigrated as a sub-standard form of English. N., Pam M.S. Intermediate (page 17): You are a native French speaker or you achieved fluency in French later in life. person of European descent born and raised in a tropical colony) is a language that was originally a pidgin but has become nativized, i.e. Creoles seem very similar to each other, even if they come from different languages. : Tok Pisin Langue créole dérivée de l'anglais. But with the efforts of local linguists and writers, people are now beginning to realize that the creole is a language separate from, but similar in … Learn Haitian Creole through conversations As an official language of Haiti, along with French, the language boasts up to 12 million native speakers. Invented and mixed languages. Antillean Creole. Related to creole language: Pidgin language. The earliest reference to a creole language is to a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Senegal. When groups of people speaking different languages come together and intermix, a common improvised second language, called a pidgin, occasionally develops.It allows speakers of two or more non-intelligible native languages to communicate with each other. A creole language based on english and several african languages which is spoken by the gullah people in the coastal region of the eastern usa. Creole languages most often emerged in colonies located near the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean or the Indian Ocean. The simplest and shortest (but probably least relevant) definition of "Creole" is "born in the colonies."
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