Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score of 41 to 59 – Orange category. The following are the criteria on ‘Range of Pollution Index' for the purpose of categorization of industrial sectors. National Air Quality Index (AQI) was launched on 17 October 2014 to disseminate information on air quality in an easily understandable form for the general public. Download Environmental Conventions and Protocols Notes PDF in Hindi and English for UPSC exam here. According to Origin: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Evidence of increasing air pollution is seen in lung cancer, asthma, allergies, and various breathing problems along with severe and irreparable damage to flora and fauna. If this process of breaking down is done by living organisms, then such pollutants are referred to as biodegradable pollutants. Based on this GATExplore provides you IES/ESE 2021 Syllabus for Civil Engineering & Paper Pattern. Hydraulic jump; Surges; Pipe networks. must also pick up. UPSC wants to kill the extra advantage that those with coaching have. Environment Syllabus For UPSC Prelims And Mains Exam (2020) Source control. The UPSC IES exam is conducted in two stages - prelims and mains after which, the candidate is called in for the final interview. Some metals that can be classified as soil pollutants are tabulated below. Across the globe, all the countries use the same metrics for measuring the health of atmospheric air. by which pollution is caused. Mains answer writing on air pollution and its preventions for upsc ias - 11415469 The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary pollutants. Classification of Air Pollutants 2. (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow:Fluid properties; Dimensional Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics and measurements; Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel flow, Flow controls. Classification of clouds: Types of clouds: High clouds: Cirrus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus: Middle clouds: Altostratus, Altocumulus: Low clouds: Stratocumulus, Stratus, Nimbostratus: Clouds with extensive vertical development: Cumulus, Cumulonimbus Definition: Any substance present in the environment in harmful concentration, which ad­versely alters the environment by damaging the growth rate of a species and by interfering with the food chains, is toxic and affects the health, comfort and property etc. Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score incl.& upto 20 - … However, they are classified in different ways as follows: A. It’s very easy to mug up few such booklets. v Use only unleaded petrol Man causes soil erosion through. Green House Effect and Global Warming: CO2 is a good transmitter of sunlight, it also partially restricts infrared radiation going back from the earth into space, which produces the greenhouse effect that prevents a drastic cooling of the Earth during the night. They float in air air for weeks, due to small size, thus smog and haze problem. An AQI between 101-200 is considered moderate. There are two types of air pollutants: Primary Pollutants. An intimation to concerned SPCB / PCC shall suffice.The newly introduced White category of industries pertains to those industrial sectors which are practically non-polluting, such as Solar power generation through photovoltaic cell, wind power and mini hydel power (less than 25 MW). § Secondary pollutant – these may react with one another or with the basic components of air to form new pollutants. From UPSC perspective, the following things are important : Prelims level : ... Quality classification. Notes for UPSC Saturday, February 11, 2017 . Classification of Pollution: Pollution can be classified according to the environment (air, water, and soil) in which it occurs or according to the type of pol­lutant (lead, mercury, carbon dioxide, solid waste, noise, biocide, heat, etc.) by which pollution is caused. Sometimes, pollution is made to classify into two broad cat­egories: 1. Environmental Pollution can be defined as any undesirable change in physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of any component of the environment i.e. The PI of any industrial sector is a number ranging from 0 to 100. Non-point source water pollution affects a water body from sources such as polluted runoff from agricultural areas draining into a river, or wind-borne debris blowing out to sea. 2 Classification § Primary pollutant – these are those emitted directly in the atmosphere in harmful form like CO, NO. Extinction. Over the years, Environment and Ecology have been evolved as one of the most important topics of UPSC and state PCS exams. Secondary Pollutants: Which are formed by interaction among primary pollutants viz. AQI will monitor these 8 pollutants to help UPSC examiner frame MCQs: PM 10: Coarse Pollutants with a diameter of 10 microns or less. AQI value of less than 50 is considered safe. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is recruiting 193 Civil engineers for the Indian Engineering Services (IES) in 2020. Ace up your preparation with the Objective Questions available on Air Pollution and enhance your subject knowledge. India measures 2 additional pollutants namely lead and ammonia. Sulphur-dioxide emitted from factories is a primary pollutant. However, many of the insects were in the stream during the pollution event! Primary pollutants: These are persistent in the form in which they are added to the environment, e.g. Sometimes, every trace of the pollutant has disappeared from the water by the time a researcher can collect a water sample from the stream. 2. 2. Region is a dynamic concept which has been defined differently by different geographers. It is the process by which a species, genus, or family, becomes extinct no longer existing … "Environmental Conventions and Protocols" are important topics of environmental studies. Urban sewage drains and industrial effluents are point pollution sources of river water. Updated : June 22nd, 2020. Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants: 1998: Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone: 1999 : Stockholm Convention on POPs: 2000: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: 2000: Johannesberg Declaration: 2002: UN World Summit: 2005: Bali Summit on Climate Change: 2007: Nagaoya Protocol on Access to genetic resources: 2010: Paris … An AQI between 301-400 is considered very poor. Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score of 60 and above – Red category. Key facts. DDT, Plastic Increasing value of PI denotes the increasing degree of pollution load … In 2017, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) proposed a new scheme for Indian Engineering Service (IES/ESE) Examination. Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score of 41 to 59 – Orange category. PM 2.5: Respirable particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty, signed in 2001 and effective from May 2004, thataims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of PM 2.5 refers to the concentration of microscopic particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter and PM 10 refers to the concentration of particles less than 10 microns in diameter. The UPSC IES exam is conducted in two stages - prelims and mains after which, the candidate is called in for the final interview. The prelims exam consists of objective type questions and the mains consist of descriptive questions for 500 and 600 marks respectively. ADVERTISEMENTS: Regional Concept of Geography: Attributes, Classification of Regional and Regionalism! Air Pollution: Air Pollutants, Classification of Air Pollutants; Acid Rain & Ocean Acidification (Effects of Air Pollution) Controlling Air Pollution: Bharat Stage VI, National Air Quality Index; Water Pollution: Causes & Effects, Eutrophication, Algal Blooms; Water Pollution Control Measures: Bio … The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known as primary pollutants. An AQI between 0-50 is considered ‘good. The presence of heavy metals (such as lead and mercury, in abnormally high concentrations) in soils can cause it to become highly toxic to human beings. National Air Quality Index (AQI) transforms complex air quality data of eight pollutants into a single number (index value), nomenclature and colour. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the concluding part of the 19th century, the French geographers like Vidal de Lablache called the areas of similar physical and cultural characteristics as pays. Environment and related topics have nowadays become very important for UPSC, State PCS and other govt competitive exams. Theory of Environmental Pollution is one among them. In this article, we have thoroughly discussed the types, causes and impacts of different pollutions affecting humankind. 2. Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score of 60 and above - Red category. The four-colour classification scheme of industrial sectors based on the Pollution Index (PI) which is a function of the (i) Emissions (air pollutants) (ii) Effluents (water pollutants) (iii) hazardous wastes generated and (iv) Consumption of resources. (b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power:Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic turbines – types, An AQI between 401-500 is considered severe. CO2 in atmosphere. An AQI between 51-100 is considered satisfactory. Air Pollution: Air Pollutants, Classification of Air Pollutants (Previous Post) Effects of Air Pollution: Acid Rain and Ocean Acidification (This Post) Controlling Air Pollution: Bharat Stage VI, National Air Quality Index (Next Post) Effects of Air Pollution: Acid Rain – Acidification Acid rain refers to any precipitation (rain, fog, mist, snow) that is more … DDT, plastic, CO, CO 2 , oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, etc . CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTANTS The various types of water pollutants can be classified in to following major categories: 1) Organic pollutants, 2) Pathogens, 3) Nutrients and agriculture runoff, 4) Suspended solids and sediments, 5) Inorganic pollutants (salts and metals), 6) Thermal Pollution 7) Radioactive pollutants. But this is not what UPSC wants. Classification of Pollution: Pollution can be classified according to the environment (air, water, and soil) in which it occurs or according to the type of pol­lutant (lead, mercury, carbon dioxide, solid waste, noise, biocide, heat, etc.) of microscopic solids and liquids particles present in the form of droplets floating in the air or atmosphere is considered as a pollutant. IES means the Indian Engineering Services exam which is a a national level exam taken by UPSC.Some of the important topics that will be asked in the exam include Theory of Bending Stresses- Slope and deflection-Torsion, Thin and thick Cylinders, Spheres, Inversions, Kinematic Analysis, Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Planar Mechanisms among others mentioned here. The prelims exam consists of objective type questions and the mains consist of descriptive questions for 500 and 600 marks respectively. Secondary Pollutants. Smog, formed by the intermingling of smoke and fog, is a secondary pollutant. PAN by interaction of NOx & Hydrocarbons What is Environmental Pollution? Mostly from dust and smoke. Pollution Index for Industries ... (MoEFCC) has released a new Four-colour Classification Scheme for industries based on their pollution potential. The different types of pollutants that are found in contaminated soil are listed in this subsection. Below, You will find a list of Biology MCQ Questions as per the latest prescribed syllabus. Understand the concept clearly by consistently practicing the Multiple Choice Questions and score well in your […] 3 Control Measures. A more … National Air Quality index that measures and monitors the levels of eight pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3, and Pb) Solution for the problem of pollution: Green cover: increasing green cover especially in the urban areas must be an indispensable part of urban planning. Other initiatives such as afforestation, greening of highways etc. Classification of Pollutants The harmful pollutants responsible for polluting the environment are: Nitrogen oxide; Sulphur oxide; Mercury; Particulate matter; Chlorofluorocarbon; Volatile organic compounds Heavy Metals. b) Non Bio-degradable Pollutants - The pollutants … APTITUDE PAPER (Stage-I, Paper-I). L17: Pollution | Classification of Pollutants & Air Pollution | UPSC CSE/IAS 2021 | Kinjal Choudhary - YouTube. Adverse Effects of Air Pollutants. IES/ESE 2021 Syllabus & Paper Pattern – Civil Engineering. Pollutants: Definition and Classification of Pollutants! Classification of Pollutants According to the form in which they persist after release into the environment. From another perspective, pollutants can be classified as follows: Primary Pollutants: Primary pollutants are those which remain in the form in which they were added to the environment for ex. Create breathing difficulty particularly among asthma patients and elderly. The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known as primary pollutants. The variety of matter emitted into the atmosphere by natural and anthropogenic sources is so diverse that it is difficult to classify air pollutants neatly. Classification of Air Pollutants. Biology is the study of life. You might have seen various coaching centers coming up with their weekly current affairs, daily current affairs, monthly current affairs, important issues for prelims in last one year etc. The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary pollutants. An AQI between 201-300 is considered poor. a) Bio-Degradable Pollutants- the pollutants which are decomposed by natural processes eg domestic (municipal) sewage. Industrial Sectors having Pollution Index score of 21 to 40 – Green category.
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